Lets write a Limerick, one line at a time.

Started by GrannyMac, March 18, 2023, 06:20:51 AM

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There I was, watching telly
Catching crumbs with my belly
Soaking my feet in a bowl of water 
Because I felt I oughta


There I was, watching telly
Catching crumbs with my belly
Soaking my feet in a bowl of water
Because I really felt I oughta
To stop them being sweaty and smelly.


Bob went swimming in the local pool
In his red budgie smugglers he thought he looked cool

Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Bob went swimming in the local pool
In his red budgie smugglers he thought he looked cool
He stood on the diving board , the one at the top
 Posed for a bit.. alas, his dive ended in a big belly flop
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Bob went swimming in the local pool
In his red budgie smugglers he thought he looked cool
He stood on the diving board , the one at the top
 Posed for a bit.. alas, his dive ended in a big belly flop
Poor old Bob felt such a fool.

There's a Bring & Buy Sale next Saturday in the church hall


There's a Bring & Buy Sale next Saturday in th church hall
Beryl is hoping to sell her husband Paul
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


There's a Bring & Buy Sale next Saturday in the church hall
Beryl is hoping to sell her husband Paul
For 'twas a toy boy she fancied trying


There's a Bring & Buy Sale next Saturday in the church hall
Beryl is hoping to sell her husband Paul
For 'twas a toy boy she fancied trying 
'Young and handsome,' she said -  sighing


There's a Bring & Buy Sale next Saturday in the church hall
Beryl is hoping to sell her husband Paul
For 'twas a toy boy she fancied trying
'Young and handsome,' she said -  sighing
And he must of course be six feet tall !


A free country but only if you come here by dinghy


The best for Paul was two and six
The payment offered can be on 'Tick'
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


The best offer for Paul was two and six
The payment offered can be on 'Tick'
Beryl got groped by Dirty Ernie
He'd forgotten his teeth and was doing a gurney

A free country but only if you come here by dinghy


The best offer for Paul was two and six
The payment offered can be on 'Tick'
Beryl got groped by Dirty Ernie
He'd forgotten his teeth and was doing a gurney 
As he sat there and sucked on a Twix!


I made a picnic, and sat down the park


I made a picnic, and sat down the park
Shared my egg butties with Mucky Mark


I made a picnic, and sat down in the park
Shared my egg butties with Mucky Mark
He relished the taste!


I made a picnic, and sat down in the park
Shared my egg butties with Mucky Mark
He relished the taste! 
Not one went to waste