Good Morning, Whatcha Up To The Day?

Started by Raven, December 15, 2021, 12:33:18 PM

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I suppose there's always a chance that the GP who'd ordered the tests might have written something in your notes saying that they wanted to be the one who discussed the results with you🤷🏻�♂️

Out of curiosity, was it a gender indentification test?  Are you transitioning?

Silver Tabby

Hello everyone.  I have a Sainsbury order arriving about 7:00am - once that is unpacked and put away, and I have had some tea and toast,  am going to set about a couple of chicken breasts with a very sharp knife.  Have a fancy for sweet and sour, with water chestnuts and egg fried rice for tonight's dinner.  See you all later.



Quote from: klondike on July 27, 2024, 09:04:46 AMLooking for company on your journey?
Oooh, the white knight galloping to the assistance of one fair lady.  How gallant 😬


Food shopping later, boring job  :rolleyes: 
I've made some cheese crackers using Ground Almonds instead of flour, TOO tasty !
It's a bit of a dull morning, big decision to make now - do I put my washing out ?  :grin:
I think this should have been in the ' boring' thread !


We're kind of limited as to where we can go just now because of all those damn motor homes all over the place. David loves Durness and the Smoo Caves and wants to revisit there, so I guess we'll give it a go. Excellent restaurant there in Durness so out for dinner, then the long drive back.
Wish us luck, I'm dreading the drive.


Quote from: dextrous63 on July 26, 2024, 10:38:44 PMI suppose there's always a chance that the GP who'd ordered the tests might have written something in your notes saying that they wanted to be the one who discussed the results with you🤷🏻�♂️

Out of curiosity, was it a gender indentification test?  Are you transitioning?

Nah.   I am quite content with my luscious feminine self, thanks. 
Anyway,  I remember all the problems you had when you tried it, and that put me off. 

July 27, 2024, 12:26:07 PM
Quote from: klondike on July 27, 2024, 09:04:46 AMLooking for company on your journey?

Ooh I say . . .  don't tempt me, you rascal. 


I decided that I needed a new mattress,  so looked in 'Dreams'  while they still had their sale on.
Anyway, I found one I liked and they are supposed to be delivering it any time now - they said around 12.30.

Problem was, they gave me a huge plastic bag and told me my old mattress had to go in this bag-  not easy to do with a double mattress and no one to help. :rolleyes:

Anyway,  after fighting it and blaspheming somewhat,  I finally managed.   I was going to try and drag the darn thing outside for them,  but found that impossible,  so it's still on the bed, but in the bag at least.

£50 it cost me to have them take the old one away.  I thought that was a lot,  but I have no way of getting it over the tip myself, and he said some tips are refusing them now anyway.
I could have got the council to collect,  but apparently if the mattress has been rained on, they won't take it!!    Would they expect me to stand outside with a couple of brolleys then?  :rolleyes:
Dear oh dear  . . .  so I decided to pay the £50 quid and be done with in the end.

Lets hope I sleep well on the new one tonight.


Quote from: dextrous63 on July 27, 2024, 10:04:58 AMOooh, the white knight galloping to the assistance of one fair lady.  How gallant 😬
So you are transitioning   :shocked:


Morning all. Very pleasant here.

Washing done.  Ironing done.  Fish and cats fed.  Mrs Dex finally got up to assess my efforts and immediately spotted some dust on the floor.  Helpful as ever.😬😬

Got a bit of vinyl flooring to lay this morning.  This afternoon I'll drop my wife off at church, go and do some shopping and pick her up.  We're then having a bite to eat with some friends at Worsley Old Hall.

Have a lovely day, each and all.

Silver Tabby

Hello everyone - am heading into town early to do a raid on the wonderful Italian Deli, and to do some research at the Reference Library. Want to be home as soon as I can as the temperature is due to soar this afternoon, and I do not want to be out in it!

Weather Goblins - please send some serious snow! This heatwave is horrid.


No plans today but it looks  like garden weather here, sitting not digging  :upvote:


Walking in the Sidlaw hills, very breezy definitely not warm!
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Have had my dip in the hot tub, arranged for someone to go and re-silicon the manky stuff in one of my flats, watered the garden, read some of my book, fed the tomato plants, and made some pastry (at last!!) for the blueberry pie I'm making.

Gotta go and do a couple of small jobs at MiL's in a bit, set my new PC up later, accompany my wife during and accident investigation interview (long story which I'll tell you all about when it's resolved, but in short we believe that someone's putting a fraudulent claim for a traffic accident).

Apart from that, another quiet day.

Enjoy yours, each and all of you.

Silver Tabby

Hello everyone.  It's not even 8'o'clock and the temperature is soaring.  Due to hit 83f by lunchtime - nightmare!!

If anyone wants me - I will be that little melting mess in the corner of the sofa!