Good Morning, Whatcha Up To The Day?

Started by Raven, December 15, 2021, 12:33:18 PM

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Morning, Just. :rolleyes: I'm stuck in today as we're expecting deliveries. But got my swim in nice and early and walked the hound in the woods. :clap: :yahoo:


you are way too active, i suggest a window-cleaning



Morning, Wall to Wall thick Swirling fog this morning, and it was cold as it's clamy fingers closed around me. Felt like me and the dog were the only ones in the whole area it was so creepily quiet, even the sound of the ocean was muffled.
Home for the day now and got a pot of soup on and peeled tatties to go with it, having to cook for tonight as we are no longer going out to eat or heading to the pub afterwards...Bloody Covid. :cry:
It looks like Christmas is heading to be another wash out again, sheeezze, will this never end.

[automatically pruned due to age]


If you stare at that fog hard enough you'll see Mike waiting for it to clear.... :smiley:

Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity




It's what he posted about on PF this morning - a weather report  :grin:

Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity



I'm walking abut with a box of tissues tied around my neck, yep it's that bad

Michael Rolls

it never did clear today from the fields and hills around, so apart from going to Veronica's grave (just over half a mile away) I never ventured out, Locally it did clear for a while, but a mile away was another matter
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Morning, very early here couldn't sleep. Very surprised as the fogs all gone, it was thick again when we went to bed. Heading out early to get the car filled up with diesel before the town wakes up and it gets busy, dreading doing Tesco next week. Then a stroll along the beach with the dog, hope it's a nice dawn might get some good photos. Stable duties for me later otherwise it's just jobs around the house. Enjoy your Sunday.

Michael Rolls

Had a pleasant surprise - yesterday my BB speed was under 2 mps. Something like 45 minutes on the phone to BT and a promise that an engineer would check locally on Monday - might need to come into the house, might not. Checked the speed this morning - 16.9 mps, which is better than the 11-13 I normally get.
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


My eldest daughter has been with us for a couple of days.  Things have not gone to plan for her with several cancellations but hopefully we are going to visit my other daughter today in Manchester (Paul and I have done negative tests this morning but five to go in the family).

If it goes ahead, it will be the first time we have all met up for a very long time and we have an Indian meal planned for this evening.  It has changed from a visit to the restaurant to a takeaway.

The Chinese person who made a mistake in the laboratory (if that's what it was) has a lot to answer for.

Michael Rolls

I doubt we will ever know the truth
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


I expect I am wrong BUT, I was under the impression that it was released on purpose, and then bats at a live animal market were to be blamed. :angry:
But I simply do not understand why people have to mess around with dangerous stuff like these virus bugs in the first place :yell: