Good Morning, Whatcha Up To The Day?

Started by Raven, December 15, 2021, 12:33:18 PM

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Silver Tabby

Hello everyone - I hope everyone is surviving this horrid heatwave. Roll on Winter!

My poor cat was really suffering yesterday and didn't understand why I could not switch it off! I suggested shaving of his fur coat but he didn't like that idea. He settled for being rubbed down with a cold wet towel a couple of times, and ice cubes in his water fountain.

I am wafting about in a kaftan doing a whole lot of nothing much.

Have a happy day!


It's a bit better here today.  Yesterday was just too 🥵 but hey, it's not raining so I'm not complaining


A bit late to say Good Morning now. :smiley:

Like others have said,  thank God it is not so scorching hot today.   That was too much for me.

Not done much today,  just some washing, then bathed the two dogs ready for clipping them later.

I am just going outside to pot up a new Rose I bought,  I love my roses. 
Then if there is time, I'd better cut the grass before it rains.   Can't get over how quick it grows this time of year.

Probably a Chinese for tea tonight, and that will do me nicely.

Silver Tabby

Hello everyone - I hope you are all well.  Going to be a bit cooler here today - peaking at 66f - still too hot for me!  Looking at the lightning map we may have storms later.

Going to be an 'interesting' day today.  A friend is having problems linking her IPad to her printer - they don't seem to want to talk to each other.  She has some difficult letters to compose/print - and has asked for my help with both problems.  Thing is - she never (ever) stops talking - even when I am trying to tell/show her something she really needs to know about her techy stuff - she just talks across me, so I usually make her write things down. We have been friends for years - and she has always been like that -  Anyway - her lovely hubby is collecting me about 10:00am, and will bring me home later - he is also in charge of lunch - bless him!

Have a happy day.


'66 F ' it's so many years since I was at school and converted to centigrade, that 66F now means nothing to me.  Is anyone else the same ?   I'm ok with kilos, but could never get my head around centimetres and millimetres :cool:


Temperature I've been converted to Centigrade by the weatherman.

Weight Ok with either imperial or metric.

Volume pretty much ok with either.

To visualise how big something say 67mm is I either mentally convert to imperial or if a tape measure is handy it will be in both so I just look. That one doesn't come naturally to me.

Silver Tabby

Quote from: Alex on July 21, 2024, 04:17:05 PM'66 F ' it's so many years since I was at school and converted to centigrade, that 66F now means nothing to me.  Is anyone else the same ?  I'm ok with kilos, but could never get my head around centimetres and millimetres :cool:



Quote from: klondike on July 21, 2024, 04:46:12 PMTemperature I've been converted to Centigrade by the weatherman.

Weight Ok with either imperial or metric.

Volume pretty much ok with either.

To visualise how big something say 67mm is I either mentally convert to imperial or if a tape measure is handy it will be in both so I just look. That one doesn't come naturally to me.

Same here.      
 I hate metric measurements, and always carry a tape measure in my bag when I go shopping.

Another thing that drives me nuts is blinkin'  light bulbs in 'Lumens'  instead of  'Watts.' 


Can't use watts directly now with LED or compact fluorescents but most certainly used to quote watt equivalents. I have LED bulbs everywhere I think and some spares so there's a good chance I'll never buy any more.

Michael Rolls

Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]

Silver Tabby

Hello everyone - am having a quiet day, recovering from yesterday! We managed (somehow) not to strangle each other, friend's printer is now working well, and all the letters are done - plus a few photos - but it was rather stressful all round. Came home about 18:00, poured a large glass of red, and cuddled the cat! 

I think crispy bacon, with tomatoes and mushrooms, on a hot toasted muffin would be good - see you all later.


That sounds lovely Tabby, might have something similar after my swim.

Silver Tabby

Hello everyone - I hope you are all OK.  It is going to be hot here again today and I am already feeling vaguely unwell.  If anyone wants me - I'll be flumped on the sofa, cuddling the cat, and ogling Martin Shaw on a DVD or three!

Take care.

Michael Rolls

trying to get a GP appointment - tried yesterday and the surgery was shut for the local public holiday!
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Off to Doncaster on the train later, taking youngest granddaughter for lunch and no doubt some holiday treats. 😘
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖