Good Morning, Whatcha Up To The Day?

Started by Raven, December 15, 2021, 12:33:18 PM

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Hearing aid appointment this morning,  then Chiropractor this afternoon.

By tea time I shall have been prodded about from my ears down to my toes!  :smiley:

Best get a move on.  




Hoorah.  The nodule on my lung which was discovered a few months ago has now gone.  All clear😊

Just the endoscopy/dilatation to go, which was supposed to be today, but has been put back by a couple of weeks.

Michael Rolls

Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]



Michael Rolls

Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]

Silver Tabby

Hello everyone - good luck to those facing medical interventions.

This hot weather is playing havoc with my creaky knees - fell over this morning and landed on the cat - he was not amused.  Waved a bag of 'Dreamies' at him and all was forgiven.

Have not planned anything for today - will see what happens - as long as it includes tea, toast, and a look at Martin Shaw - that will be fine.


Rest those knees Tabby!  Its going to be warm, I'll be in the pool for a class at lunchtime, lovely and cool. 😎 
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Thank you all for your kind thoughts.

Have got a tuition some time this morning. 

Nothing much else planned other than to start collating info for my self assessment tax return.

Have a joyous, and hopefully maths free, day each and all.

Silver Tabby

Going to be an interesting day for me.  A  friend has emailed me photocopies of two family Wills which she would like me to translate/transcribe for her.  They are both handwritten, and in a mixture of Latin and very old legal English.  That should keep me quiet for quite a while.  Plus - another friend has asked me to try and verify an old family legend that one of her ancesters may have had connections to York Minster.  I do enjoy such tasks and, without wishing to sound vain, I am a good researcher - so it will be fun.

I think I had better start by buying a goodly supply of tea!


Ooh, that sounds like something really interesting Tabby.  Perhaps you could set up a thread and cite some curious Latin/legal lingo jargon (without divulging anything or a personal nature).

Apart from anything else, don't forget that Cass might wish to explain some bits n bobs of the more obscure terminology.


Nothing as interesting for me, but another lunch out.  If all goes to plan we're venturing into darkest north Wales  :cool:


Quote from: Alex on July 25, 2024, 08:53:51 AMNothing as interesting for me, but another lunch out.  If all goes to plan we're venturing into darkest north Wales  :cool:
Where about in Wales?