Good Morning, Whatcha Up To The Day?

Started by Raven, December 15, 2021, 12:33:18 PM

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Silver Tabby

Hello everyone.  Woke up this morning feeling full of vim, vigour, and good intentions.  Going to sort out my front hedge and my side of next doors horrible Privet thing.  Electric secateurs fully charged, hedgetrimmer at the ready, goggles and gloves to hand, green wheelie bin standing with it's mouth open, and that cat - dancing on the windowsill shouting "attack, attack, attack!".

Gosh, all the planning has worn me out.  Need tea and toast now, and time to think about this.


Morning all.  Today I am going to be spreading some levelling compound on my MiL's hallway.  We're having the carpet replaced with vinyl next week, which will be easier to clean, and levelling the concrete now will be sensible.


Quote from: Silver Tabby on July 18, 2024, 07:30:27 AMHello everyone.  Woke up this morning feeling full of vim, vigour, and good intentions.  Going to sort out my front hedge and my side of next doors horrible Privet thing.  Electric secateurs fully charged, hedgetrimmer at the ready, goggles and gloves to hand, green wheelie bin standing with it's mouth open, and that cat - dancing on the windowsill shouting "attack, attack, attack!".

Gosh, all the planning has worn me out.  Need tea and toast now, and time to think about this.

Best laid plans Tabby  :grin:
I'm off to Cheshire Oaks for a few things, then the garden beckons it's a lovely day here. :upvote:

Silver Tabby

Hello everyone - meeting up with a friend to go shopping and have lunch.  Due to hit 82f by lunchtime - not looking forward to that.

Have a happy day.


In a sense I'm a bit put out Tabby, you ones are roasting in the lovely sun, and up here it's dull cloudy and horribly humid, 10 - 12 degrees cooler too. :cry:


Morning all, and thanks for the belated kind words for our anniversary.

Nice weather here.  Just got to do a little job at my MiL's flat in a bit.

Had a call from hospital advising me that my dilatation has had to be pushed back by a fortnight.  Never mind, que sera sera.

Not much else planned, although I do need to fill in the easyJet claim form for additional expenses acquired from a flight cancellation.

If you're bored, feel free to read the Tripadvisor review I wrote at the airport during the delay before the flight that brought us home. I'm Peter S


Morning all.

I doubt I will be doing anything much, as they are forecasting up to 30°  today.   
Too hot for me to work out in the garden.

Just done a couple of loads of washing and now hanging about waiting for a phone call before I dare pop up the shop.

Such an exciting life . . . . :wink:


Went out on the first of my now regular walks. Mostly through the woods to keep out of the direct sun. Will take the second much later when the power has gone out of the day.


HAH,  :yell: I've just walked back from the village shop in the pouring rain. Gggggrrrrrrr.


I had that joy a couple of days ago. I stopped all that raining nonsense by buying a decent waterproof guaranteeing a month long drought.

Silver Tabby

Quote from: Raven on July 19, 2024, 09:53:57 AMIn a sense I'm a bit put out Tabby, you ones are roasting in the lovely sun, and up here it's dull cloudy and horribly humid, 10 - 12 degrees cooler too. :cry:

I'd swap places with you in the blink of an eye if I could, Raven, I loathe hot weather!


Quote from: dextrous63 on July 19, 2024, 10:01:45 AMIf you're bored, feel free to read the Tripadvisor review I wrote at the airport during the delay before the flight that brought us home. I'm Peter S

That bit with your credit card definitely sounded iffy  ! 



Quote from: Alex on July 19, 2024, 04:20:08 PMThat bit with your credit card definitely sounded iffy  ! 
Yep.  Hats off to Santander.  Card cancelled within minutes via the app, and another was made available to me instantly which I was able to activate and use.  The physical card with cvc member arrived at my house within a week.  So, apart from having to change a nominated card on Amazon, it was pretty easy to sort it out.

Silver Tabby

Doesn't sound like a good experience at all.

Belated anniversary wishes for you and Mrs Dex!