What would you do?

Started by Mups, August 17, 2024, 03:48:26 PM

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There is an oldish car parked outside my house, which is on a dangerous bend. 
It must have arrived during the night because it wasn't there when I went to bed last night.

The passenger side wing mirror is held together with masking tape,  but there is something strange about this car . . .   there appears to be no window on the drivers side.  There is just an old coat hung over the 'hole'  where the window should be.

I checked if it was taxed,  and it is.

I don't know what to do.   What would you do?

a)   Tell the cops incase it's been stolen and dumped.

b)   Do nothing and wait and see if anyone moves it later.

My neighbour would leave it be,  but on the other hand,  if it was my car that had been nicked, I would be very grateful if someone found it and told the Cops.


Wait and see..
 I wouldn't get involved..
Unfortunately that is the way of the world today..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I'd take the opportunity to take some branches off that overhanging tree and shove it through the missing window onto the back seat.

Hopefully the car will move along with the driver oblivious to the arboratorial addition.


I'd wait 24 hours and then phone the cops, just don't tell them it's right outside your house. :smiley:


Or, stick a Palestinian flag on it, paint Allah Akhbar onto the bonnet, let the handbrake off, set fire to it and give it a push.  Might as well join in the lunacy🤣🤣🤣🤣


Quote from: dextrous63 on August 17, 2024, 07:47:30 PMOr, stick a Palestinian flag on it, paint Allah Akhbar onto the bonnet, let the handbrake off, set fire to it and give it a push.  Might as well join in the lunacy🤣🤣🤣🤣
Guaranteed to get the police moving..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Scrumpy on August 17, 2024, 07:54:37 PMGuaranteed to get the police moving..
Unless the kettle's just boiled.


:rolleyes:   Might have known I'd only get sensible answers from the ladies!

This is a fairly quiet road,  mostly older people, no pubs, shops, or anything to invite yobs etc.

Having said that,  I did mention earlier that there is a nasty bend outside,  and over the  17 years I have lived here, there have been 3 bad accidents because of drivers approaching the bend too fast.

One involved a drunk & drugs bloke who came off the road into my neigbour's front garden, still kept going,  came through the dividing fence into my garden, and eventually ended up with his two front wheels on the roof of my car parked in my drive.   He wrote my car off.
The cops told me his car was full of drugs.
Two of the neighbours grabbed him and sat on him till the cops arrived, as believe it or not, he was going to leg it.
He got put away for a while,  but the day after he was released, I heard he murdered his mate.
Scary ey?

The next accident someone yet again drove over the pavement on this bend,  through my front garden wall, smashing it to pieces,  uprooted my lovely Rowan tree,  and ripped the flower bed to shreds.

The third time was earlier this year,  but this time they hit the lampost in front of my wall and bent it over like a badly shaped banana.

Now back to this car outside.  This is why I am not happy with it being dumped there for nearly 24 hrs now,  right on that bend,  because I am worred there will be another accident.
It's also still bugging me why one window is covered up . . . .

I'm ringing the cops.


Wow!!! Your life sounds so exciting compared to mine..
No bends in my road..!!! Everything straight and above board..

Good idea to call the cops.. Before an accident happens..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Sadly these days they'll probably not be interested.


Any response from the boys in blue Mups ? 


Mups is not available at the moment.. The cops have taken her in for wasting police time..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Scrumpy on August 18, 2024, 10:56:34 AMMups is not available at the moment.. The cops have taken her in for wasting police time..
They're asking her if she knows anything about a burnt out car with a flagpole on it and embers of tree branches in the rear seat😬


Quote from: klondike on August 18, 2024, 09:27:37 AMSadly these days they'll probably not be interested.
Spot on, Klondike.

When I rang last night the one I spoke to said he thought it sounded suspicious.  
However,  by bedtime no one had come to have a look.

Lunchtime today it is still there, so I phoned them again and asked what was happening.
The Cop I spoke to today was very different.   He just said if someone wanted to leave their car with the window open it was not illegal,  and up to them.

I asked if it was illegal to dump it on a dangerous bend since Friday night, and the whole window was gone,  not just open a bit!   I said I wondered if the car had been pinched and they had broken the window to get in.
His reply was -  "as long as it is taxed and insured it is not illegal."

I could see I was getting nowhere with this bloke,  he was plainly not interested.  

So I guess it will either stay there until someone moves it,  or  crashes into it.


Quote from: Mups on August 18, 2024, 01:50:16 PMSpSpot on, Klondike.

When I rang last night the one I spoke to said he thought it sounded suspicious. 
However,  by bedtime no one had come to have a look.

Lunchtime today it is still there, so I phoned them again and asked what was happening.
The Cop I spoke to today was very different.  He just said if someone wanted to leave their car with the window open it was not illegal,  and up to them.

I asked if it was illegal to dump it on a dangerous bend since Friday night, and the whole window was gone,  not just open a bit!  I said I wondered if the car had been pinched and they had broken the window to get in.
His reply was -  "as long as it is taxed and insured it is not illegal."

I could see I was getting nowhere with this bloke,  he was plainly not interested. 

So I guess it will either stay there until someone moves it,  or  crashes into it.

Your interaction with the police is very interesting, Mups.
I wonder whether many of the police are just a bit pissed off these days with what they are being told to do.  It seems that the ones in charge might be ordering them to pursue only certain 'crimes' such as using 'racist' language and behaviour in preference to what the force was originally intended to do: to fight crime.
I'm thinking of buying a Palestine flag and flying it over our house, simply to keep them (and 'the wrong sort of people') away from us.
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