What would you do?

Started by Mups, August 17, 2024, 03:48:26 PM

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Perhaps you could get a neighbour to phone the police too, stressing the dangerous bend  ?


Did you give them the registration number?  You'd have thought they could check easily enough to see if it's been reported stolen.


As has been mentioned before...

This is the UK
It is 2024
NOTHING works anymore

If you said it had a bumpter sticker with racist slogan on it they'd be round like a shot.

If you put one on it somebody would torch it for you.


Quote from: Mups on August 17, 2024, 03:48:26 PMThere is an oldish car parked outside my house, which is on a dangerous bend. 
It must have arrived during the night because it wasn't there when I went to bed last night.

The passenger side wing mirror is held together with masking tape,  but there is something strange about this car . . .   there appears to be no window on the drivers side.  There is just an old coat hung over the 'hole'  where the window should be.

I checked if it was taxed,  and it is.

I don't know what to do.   What would you do?

a)   Tell the cops incase it's been stolen and dumped.

b)   Do nothing and wait and see if anyone moves it later.

My neighbour would leave it be,  but on the other hand,  if it was my car that had been nicked, I would be very grateful if someone found it and told the Cops.

It's probably David Lammy's father's car. NPR would pick it up if it were stolen if you get the luxury of 'drive-by' policing. Report it snd you'll get the "its a taxed car and not parked illegally, or reported as stolen".

Has the MOT expired though? Then the Car bin police can have it squashed.
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...


Quote from: dextrous63 on August 18, 2024, 03:00:57 PMDid you give them the registration number?  You'd have thought they could check easily enough to see if it's been reported stolen.

Yes,  I did give them the reg. number Dex.   That's  how they knew it is taxed and insured.
I have no idea whether they even bothered to check if it was stolen.

I already knew it was taxed until Nov. anyway,  as I had already looked that up before I phoned them.

I saw the bus from down in the town swerving to miss it this morning.   If it ends up being knocked into my front garden again I shall go raving bonkers!

Thanks for your comments everyone.    I will let you know if there are any interesting developments.

P.S.  Just found this on google -

Q. How long before a car is classed as abandoned?

A. The local authority can remove the vehicle if it has not been removed by the occupier after 7 days, or if the occupier gives them permission to remove it (e.g. if the vehicle was abandoned without their consent).


No doubt when they typed the reg in, it will have flagged up whether it had been reported stolen (yet,...the owner may be away and not know it's been nicked).


Guess what?

It's gone!  

I never saw or heard a thing.   It was still there when I went to bed last night,  but gone when I got up this morning.

I am very relieved,  and hope it doesn't come back. 

Thanks everyone.  :smiley:


The phantom motor...It is probably parked on another bend somewhere..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Who are these police that you all speak of? Like bin men they are rarer than rocking horse shit around here. 
"I am in awe of myself. I never know what I will write next."


I did see one once actually walking by the other side of the road from my house. I even checked again on my CCTV in case of drunkenness but he appeared to be sober. Maybe just lost.


Quote from: klondike on August 19, 2024, 06:06:59 PMI did see one once actually walking by the other side of the road from my house. I even checked again on my CCTV in case of drunkenness but he appeared to be sober. Maybe just lost.

Did you mean your drunkenness,  or his?   

Probably someone on his way home from a fancy dress party.  :smiley:


It might have been a Plastic Policeman I suppose. Not good enough to read the label.


Mups you need to wait until dark then nip out and spray some yellow lines on the bend, that'll teach the buggers


Quote from: Alex on August 19, 2024, 09:16:31 PMMups you need to wait until dark then nip out and spray some yellow lines on the bend, that'll teach the buggers

Hey,  I like that idea Alex.  Lol.

The trouble is,  every time they turn out to patch up potholes,  the yellow lines get tarmac'd over, and nobody re-paints them again.

There used to be a . . . what do you call them?  . . . . is it a chevron?  Anyway, there used to be one on the bend but after the first accident it got smashed to pieces, and has never been replaced  -  like the double yellow lines.

After I complained many times, they finally sent someone out to paint a 'Slow'  warning on the tarmac,  but as I said, when they next did the pot holes,  it was hidden under tarmac again.

It really is hopeless.   I got really cross a while back, and told them if it was someone from the town council lived here, that bend road would  have soon be put right!   


It must drive you round the bend.
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..