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Started by Raven, July 16, 2024, 01:55:36 PM

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Current percentage of UK car sales that are EV is around the 16% mark this year. There is a government mandate that manufacturers must meet of 22% this year and they must pay a £15,000 fine for each IC vehicle they sell over the threshold.


With both  insurance rates and depreciation for EVs sky high I seriously doubt that 22% target is going to be met. If the government tries to enforce those fines we may see manufacturers simply pull out of the UK market.


Quote from: klondike on July 16, 2024, 02:30:43 PMCurrent percentage of UK car sales that are EV is around the 16% mark this year. There is a government mandate that manufacturers must meet of 22% this year and they must pay a £15,000 fine for each IC vehicle they sell over the threshold.


With both  insurance rates and depreciation for EVs sky high I seriously doubt that 22% target is going to be met. If the government tries to enforce those fines we may see manufacturers simply pull out of the UK market.
I'm sure you're correct.
After all, Labour has always been the sort of government that works very hard to stop the country working efficiently and make us all a lot poorer.
Actually, it is a complete mystery to me why so many people, presumably in possession of a working brain, insisted on voting them in this year.
Numquam credere Gallicum


That rule precedes Labour by years. All part of the net zero nonsense.


Economics and market demand meets ideology and the non sustainability of reality. Why are all these wretched nett zero people so typical? Walking around with their entire focus unable to accept debate on axiomatic logic. For example they profess that 95% of scientists believe in climate change etc. Well if you ask say 100 from their viewpoint of course you get their figure or higher. Ask another 1,000 at random and the figures will be very different. I honestly despair for the future of the world as such zealots force their wanton rhetoric into a twisted dynasty of misery and denial.
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...


Ah, the 8 out of 10 owners say their cats prefer Whiskers argument eh?  Well, if you ask enough people and choose an appropriate set of 10 as your sample, then no surprises that 8 will state what you're looking for.

Funny old number though.  9/10 looks suspiciously too good, 7/10 is perhaps a bit "fair".  But for Goldilocks, 8/10 is just right.


Climate is at the forefront of government science funding. Better chance of getting funding if you somehow get climate change in the grant application regardless of what you may be researching. Far more chance of the next being funded if you have a track record of siding with the required consensus. Finding and reporting it's for the fairies is an excellent way of never working in science again.


Quote from: Cassandra on July 18, 2024, 01:43:25 PMEconomics and market demand meets ideology and the non sustainability of reality. Why are all these wretched nett zero people so typical? Walking around with their entire focus unable to accept debate on axiomatic logic. For example they profess that 95% of scientists believe in climate change etc. Well if you ask say 100 from their viewpoint of course you get their figure or higher. Ask another 1,000 at random and the figures will be very different. I honestly despair for the future of the world as such zealots force their wanton rhetoric into a twisted dynasty of misery and denial.
Absolutely.  There are two conflicting matters here, though.

Climate change is, I believe, actually changing and it has been for millennia.  At the moment, it seems to be getting warmer, though here we are getting more rain this summer, at least it feels like it.  I am sure that we cannot stop that however hard we try.

Trying to achieve 'nett zero', however, is in my view impossible.  In order to achieve it we would, for instance, have to avoid any combustion of anything that can combust, even lighting a small fire which would, like it or not, produce some emissions, including smoke.  Regarding electricity provision, the only practical measure of generating it in this country at least, apart from windmills and solar panels which only work respectively when the wind blows and the sun shines, is nuclear power.  Even then, someone somewhere has had to create emissions in building the power plants and transporting materials, etc.
Even Stone-Age man couldn't achieve nett zero!
Numquam credere Gallicum


In my humble opinion, it will lead to a situation where 22% is manipulated by lowering sales overall, and creating a waiting list for proper cars. Possibly accompanied by a boom in the personal import business?


Maybe. I'm not sure how they'd generate the enthusiasm to buy the EVs though. In the remaining months they'd not only need to shift significantly fewer IC cars but double the number of EVs and doing that may cost more than the fines in lost profit on IC cars and the need to more heavily subsidise EVs

I think if it was me I'd just hang on and if they said they were going to impose the penalties I'd tell them I'd be shutting up shop in the UK and would they make sure they submitted their bill on 4ply.


Try any of this over here (the land of the auto) and you'd get lynched. Just in sheer dynamics of supply, demand and change over it will take decades. I think the bloody democrats and socialosts in the UK, EUland, Teamworld refer to it as 'prodding'. That is talk about it enough and it just happens - Berks that they all are.

It won't get me I'm too old and hopefully The Don's back soon. They can't get me and my fives gas and diesel guzzling striders. Here that Miliband you miserable, ugly, low brain bacon sandwich swilling retard.
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...

Michael Rolls

I not sure he's that good - or useful!
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


I read the other day that Fords had built a factory to produce electric cars but they are now using it to build diesel trucks "without government support". 


There are plans afoot to, at some point, scrap Road Tax / VED & replace it with pay-per-mile as the fuel duty revenue gets less & less.
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


Quote from: Diasi on July 21, 2024, 10:48:51 AMThere are plans afoot to, at some point, scrap Road Tax / VED & replace it with pay-per-mile as the fuel duty revenue gets less & less.
I think that those people who have now invested in EVs will be thinking again about their choice, as the government is talking about imposing 'road tax' (or whatever they call it now) on EVs as well as ICEs.

I can also foresee, if and when the time is right, the cost of electricity will also increase if more people adopt the EV mantra, as they will lose their income from fuel duty.
Numquam credere Gallicum