Why! Why! Why!

Started by Scrumpy, July 12, 2024, 08:02:34 AM

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Is Biden hanging on  ? .. Something fishy going on there..

He referred to Zelenskyy as Putin and called his own vice president Trump..

I doubt Zelenskyy was bothered.. All the time the billions are coming in they can call him what they like..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


The problem is that he is the party nominee and refusing to stand down. He has been pretty senile for ages so the silly sods shouldn't have made him their nominee. They'll have to shoehorn somebody in eventually and they are pretty short on talent just like here.


I certainly wouldn't subject my husband to such ridicule.. I would encourage him to stand down...  The whole world is sniggering..
I think George Clooney whispered in his ear about standing down.. ( Whoever he is)..
If Biden is a little (senile) .. how on earth can he come up with any decision concerning stepping down..  Surely that must be considered.. There must be somewhere written about 'Fit to rule'..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..

Michael Rolls

25th amendment which contains - inter alai - the following

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

As I understand it, the only other avenue is impeachment, which is hardly appropriate, although the threat of it probably figured in Nixon's thinking when he decided to resign
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Quote from: Scrumpy on July 12, 2024, 09:37:01 AMI think George Clooney whispered in his ear about standing down.. ( Whoever he is)..
He posts here sometimes. Or at least used to for a while.


I still think Michelle Obama could be shoehorned in 👠 but that's just Twitter talk.  Something is being planned, why is his wife letting him carry on like this, it's quite sad.


Quote from: Michael Rolls on July 12, 2024, 09:43:38 AMWhenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
Yeah they can chuck him out as President but that doesn't solve the problem of him being the Democratic nominee in the upcoming election. I heard somewhere that several states are near the date when their list of candidates closes maybe meaning that the Democrats would forfeit those states and so their electoral college votes.

Maybe Cass is up on US law too with any luck. All I know is bits I've heard which could be wrong.

Anyhow what's wrong with forgetting names and using the wrong worms? I do it all the time. Mind you I'm not the leader of the free world. Am I?


Quote from: Scrumpy on July 12, 2024, 09:37:01 AMI certainly wouldn't subject my husband to such ridicule.. I would encourage him to stand down...  The whole world is sniggering..
I think George Clooney whispered in his ear about standing down.. ( Whoever he is)..
If Biden is a little (senile) .. how on earth can he come up with any decision concerning stepping down..  Surely that must be considered.. There must be somewhere written about 'Fit to rule'..

I read somewhere that it is his wife who is encouraging to keep going and stay put!   

It's an important job,  so I think there should be  compulsory medicals, and a retirement age.

July 12, 2024, 11:32:36 AM
Quote from: klondike on July 12, 2024, 09:49:54 AMYeah they can chuck him out as President but that doesn't solve the problem of him being the Democratic nominee in the upcoming election. I heard somewhere that several states are near the date when their list of candidates closes maybe meaning that the Democrats would forfeit those states and so their electoral college votes.

Maybe Cass is up on US law too with any luck. All I know is bits I've heard which could be wrong.

Anyhow what's wrong with forgetting names and using the wrong worms? I do it all the time. Mind you I'm not the leader of the free world. Am I.
Wrong worms?   Which ones do you normally use then?   :smiley:


I really feel sorry for this guy, no doubt filled with drugs and wheeled out onto the international stage to be mocked and ridiculed by the media, like a trapped lonely animal in a cage.
His party should allow him to retire now, not cling onto him and the power in order to deny Trump the office
The USA, probably the most powerful country on the planet, the one time policemen of world and Trump and Biden are the best leaders they can find amongst a population of 330 million ?
Where are the statesmen and women?
"I am in awe of myself. I never know what I will write next."


They are hanging on to him for a reason.. 
Poor man..To be ridiculed in this way..
Of all the people , in all the world, this is the best they can do..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Vlad on July 12, 2024, 02:28:08 PMI really feel sorry for this guy, no doubt filled with drugs and wheeled out onto the international stage to be mocked and ridiculed by the media, like a trapped lonely animal in a cage.
His party should allow him to retire now, not cling onto him and the power in order to deny Trump the office
The USA, probably the most powerful country on the planet, the one time policemen of world and Trump and Biden are the best leaders they can find amongst a population of 330 million ?
Where are the statesmen and women?
Well said that man 👏 👏 


Quote from: Scrumpy on July 12, 2024, 03:08:11 PMThey are hanging on to him for a reason..
Poor man..To be ridiculed in this way..
Of all the people , in all the world, this is the best they can do..
He has been unfit for office for quite a while now. He apparently is unaware of that which isn't especially surprising as he doesn't seem to be aware of much at all. They really should have stopped him from being their nominee but have left it very late to alter that. They can hardly rerun all the primaries which means it will have to be an appointee and we here have first hand knowledge of how successfully that works.


All this Democrat jiggery pokery to improve their election chances by ditching Biden.

Wasn't Donald Trump prosecuted for paying off Stormy Daniels to improve his 2016 election chances?
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


Quote from: Alex on July 12, 2024, 09:46:05 AMI still think Michelle Obama could be shoehorned in 👠 but that's just Twitter talk.  Something is being planned, why is his wife letting him carry on like this, it's quite sad.

Can't stand that woman
Since she came to the U.K. and in lectured black girls in London as if London  was the  Deep South .

As for Biden the poor old sod should be in a care home not POTUS

He's making the USA a laughing stock


As to Michelle Obama, whether you like her or not - somewhere I read that she  is an educated, intelligent, and independent minded woman, She grew up in a middle-class family and had a conventional upbringing. She learned the values of hard work and perseverance from her father who despite being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at a young age, never let the disease overcome his ambitions.  She was a bright girl who performed well at school and went on to graduate from the Harvard Law School. She was a successful lawyer when she met and married Barack Obama. 
Biden - you are right, someone younger could replace him. However, I believe he thinks that he has the most experience. 
Trump - I don't know whether he will be the best choice at the moment. Times are difficult and not words, but deeds are required.