A Ripping Yarn.

Started by Vlad, May 29, 2024, 04:06:57 PM

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Operation Overlord 6 June 1944 The Invasion of Europe.
In order to celebrate this event Vlad Entertainment Services have funded the production of 

A Ripping Yarn.

 The tale  revolves around the air duels of two WW2 fighter pilots, one English (hoorah!) the other German (boo! hiss!) in the air (obviously) over England in the summer of 1944
The Director/Producer/Writer and walk on actor, Vlad is now casting for the following roles.

 1 A hero.... would suit a rugged handsome tallyho! type  
( moustache is not obligatory ) 

2. Air traffic controller. ... would suit someone with a short attention span

3. An engineer.. anyone who knows about spanners and has a cockney accent.... think Dick Van Dyke

4. A German Pilot ' boo hiss', would suit someone with a bad German accent, monocle and a scar. 

5. A wing commander, ideally someone old with a limp,  a big moustache and a dog 

6. A couple of Commonweath / Johnny Foreigners  pilots, for the drinking and crash and burn  scenes, 

7. A few more bods for walk on parts and to fill in the crowd scenes in the pub  + a supporting casts of thousands and a few chariots drivers 

8. A barmaid or two would suit a busty forum wench

9. A landlord ......position filled..... by Vlad highly qualified in the role, his half litre snatch is a joy to behold.

Applicants need to be over 18 for the rude bits and of any gender (but no poofters) Please apply in writing stating experience, role applying for and a signed blank cheque to Vlad Enterprises Ltd. PayPal accepted.

standby for further announcements.
"I am in awe of myself. I never know what I will write next."


I have had barmaid experience.. I worked in a pub for a few years..
The rugby boys were a bit loud and they would pull my leg.. But I soon tackled them..  Pulling a pint gave me a good right arm.. 
 The only thing I am lacking is the 'busty' bit.. I'm a bit flat in that department.. But a bit of cotton wool will sort that out.. 
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Scrumpy on May 29, 2024, 07:39:11 PMI have had barmaid experience.. I worked in a pub for a few years..
The rugby boys were a bit loud and they would pull my leg.. But I soon tackled them..  Pulling a pint gave me a good right arm..
 The only thing I am lacking is the 'busty' bit.. I'm a bit flat in that department.. But a bit of cotton wool will sort that out..

Dear Scrump,
That you for your application. We will be shortlisting applicants shortly 
Thank you.
"I am in awe of myself. I never know what I will write next."


I'd like to apply for the position of Air Traf


And the cheque?

May 29, 2024, 10:03:31 PM
1 A hero.... would suit a rugged handsome tallyho! type  
( moustache is not obligatory ) 

2. Air traffic controller. ... would suit someone with a short attention span...position filled..Dex

3. An engineer.. anyone who knows about spanners and has a cockney accent.... think Dick Van Dyke

4. A German Pilot ' boo hiss', would suit someone with a bad German accent, monocle and a scar. 

5. A wing commander, ideally someone old with a limp,  a big moustache and a dog 

6. A couple of Commonweath / Johnny Foreigners  pilots, for the drinking and crash and burn  scenes, 

7. A few more bods for walk on parts and to fill in the crowd scenes in the pub  + a supporting casts of thousands and a few chariots drivers 

8. A barmaid or two would suit a busty forum wench..one position filled Scrumpy...

9. A landlord ......position filled..... by Vlad highly qualified in the role, his half litre snatch is a joy to behold.
"I am in awe of myself. I never know what I will write next."


I'll just be an extra.  I've done it before.  My OH used to be with an agency and did some walk on work for TV.  He worked in several episodes of Peak Practice, and when they needed lots of people to be wedding guests, I went along too.  
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Quote from: GrannyMac on May 29, 2024, 10:05:45 PMI'll just be an extra.  I've done it before.  My OH used to be with an agency and did some walk on work for TV.  He worked in several episodes of Peak Practice, and when they needed lots of people to be wedding guests, I went along too. 
I will bung you down for one of the chariot drivers then, in scene 4 you have a torrid relationship with a gladiator, no, not Russell Crow

1 A hero.... would suit a rugged handsome tallyho! type  
( moustache is not obligatory ) 

2. Air traffic controller. ... would suit someone with a short attention span...position filled..Dex

3. An engineer.. anyone who knows about spanners and has a cockney accent.... think Dick Van Dyke

4. A German Pilot ' boo hiss', would suit someone with a bad German accent, monocle and a scar. 

5. A wing commander, ideally someone old with a limp,  a big moustache and a dog 

6. A couple of Commonweath / Johnny Foreigners  pilots, for the drinking and crash and burn  scenes, 

7. A few more bods for walk on parts and to fill in the crowd scenes in the pub  + a supporting casts of thousands and a few chariots drivers ....Granny Mac..chariot driver #1.....

8. A barmaid or two would suit a busty forum wench..one position filled Scrumpy...

9. A landlord ......position filled..... by Vlad highly qualified in the role, his half litre snatch is a joy to behold.
"I am in awe of myself. I never know what I will write next."


Could I suggest Alex for  5. Wing Commander.

She has a limp.. a dog.. and I am sure she has a bit of a moustache going on there..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I assume you're also suggesting she is old?

I think the moustache is actually Guinness froth.


I have luxuriant locks as Dex has already declared. Can I volunteer as a second barmaid please. Unless the beard and moustache excludes me. These days it shouldn't of course.


Quote from: dextrous63 on May 30, 2024, 09:12:07 AMI think the moustache is actually Guinness froth.
OOOOOoooooooooooooooo!!  Be afraid.. be very afraid..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I'd like to second Klondy's application and can confirm the bouffant hairdo.


I'd like to confirm Dex's short attention span. He lost all interest the moment I turned around after he tried chatting me up after aproaching from behind.



Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder.  Nice pert botty, but I beheld a different aspect once you turned round.


Tis often so. I beheld an angel once when I stopped for breakfast in a northern motorway services on the way to a client's site. All interest faded when she spoke to the bloke in front.