The Eurovision Song Contest

Started by muddy, May 11, 2024, 10:34:05 AM

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The outrageous and blatant anti semitism displayed by Sweden and the rest of the world against this 20 year old girl singer from Israel is so disgusting I am going to have to force myself to watch the rubbishy programme and is I can crack the app I will vote for her .

Pubs that were holding venues tonight are being threatened and are shutting down in the face if threats from Queers  for Palestine ( I wish they would go to Palestine )

The world has gone completely mad


Quote from: muddy on May 11, 2024, 10:34:05 AMThe outrageous and bland anti semitism displayed by Sweden and the rest of the world against this 20 year old girl singer from Israel is so disgusting I am going to have to force myself to watch the rubbishy programme and is I can crack the app I will vote for her .

Pubs that were holding venues tonight are being threatened and are shutting down in the face if threats from Queers  for Palestine ( I wish they would go to Palestine )

The world has gone completely mad
Not the world, thankfully, only the naive and easily-led youth of today.

Let it continue, and let them find out for themselves - the hard way.
Numquam credere Gallicum


I don't watch the program.. 
Shameful the way she is being treated.. Good for her to stick it out..
Hope she wins..

I think Russia was banned from the competition for the problems caused in Ukraine..  
I think the Eurovision organisers  should keep their noses out of other countries problems and allow all entries..  
It should not be a political event..
Protest songs should be banned..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


We'll record then watch it, fast forward through some!  I'm disgusted at the way a 20 year old has been treated, it should be a lovely experience for her, so I hope she gets lots of votes.
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


I can't work the app or I would vote for her .


I used to love the Eurovision Song Contest, back in the day when we had real songs with melodies, real singers and they sang in their own language.  Today its just political and what has Europe come to when a young girl needs police protection to be in a singing contest.


When did Israel become a part of Europe?
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


Quote from: klondike on May 11, 2024, 11:06:57 PMWhen did Australia?

Well they shouldn't compete either!!!

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Personally I've always thought it a load of utter rubbish which is why I've never ever watched it.
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


It was even worse than I had feared .
The most bizarre costumes and nothing that even vaguely resembled a tune .
The winner Switzerland was a man in a skirt and god knows what sort of fluffy top who is another confused none binary person .
Pleased to see Israel  got fifth place with massive public support which is really what I wanted to know .


They really could play reruns of this event to interrogate suspects .

After a couple of times they would confess to anything .

It pleases me it must make all the nutcase  Islamists froth at the mouth .


Presumably the pro Palestinians would have welcomed a few truckloads and hang glider full of armed terrorists turning up to shoot and maim as many attendees of the event as possible?

No doubt they would also advocate no repercussions for such an attack?


Quote from: muddy on May 12, 2024, 12:28:06 AMPleased to see Israel  got fifth place with massive public support which is really what I wanted to know .
That is good news.. Well done her... 
I bet that has pissed the pro Palestinians off.. :nooo:  
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I think the whole show which is seems to be a weirdo / camp fest more than anything else will have them frothing at the mouth .

Eden Golan got the public vote but the other countries jurors voted Israel down .

I am delighted that they beat Ireland though , sorry Irish people how could you send someone -Bambi Thug - who has but mediocre talent and that's being kind - clearly has mental issues to represent Ireland ?

Mind you ours was just as bad .

I hope there were no children watching this show .


It was won by another fella in a frock !  I kept waiting for the song to start, but I don't think it did. 

I hope the contest will be phased out eventually as even the audience was "odd