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Started by zoony, December 21, 2021, 09:37:07 PM

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  This evening I watched 'Being The Ricardos'. It's the story of I Love Lucy, much of which I was unaware of and it was a good story. I'm not a fan of Nicole Kidman by any stretch but I have to give her enormous credit for her portrayal of Lucille Ball. I'm fairly sure the film will be on the Academy Awards short-list, despite there being no black people in it or physically challenged kids etc etc. I'll eat my hat if she's not on the Best Actress list. A brilliant film. imho of course.


Trailer looks good Zoon. :upvote:


Thanks Alex.. If only for answering. Films don't seem to be of much interest here unless  they're in black and white! :grin: I hadn't seen a trailer, I don't read the backs of books , usually, either. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Michael Rolls

Must admit that I don't watch many films, despite having Netflix and Prime. Trying to remember if I have used either this month - I think one, can't remember which, once
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Watched a cracker last evening.. I'm spoiling nothing by saying that it concerns Herman Melville and the 'truth' behind the legend of Moby Dick. Real Boys Own Adventure stuff. 'In The Heart Of The Sea'. It is not a short film. :smiley:


I'm going to watch the latest Downton Abbey film later.. I haven't watched any as yet but am told that is good.
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I should hurry up.. The sequel to it comes out this year.. :wink:


I did watch it but long enough ago that I remember nothing about it at all.


Went to see the Downton Abbey film in a little vintage Cinema in Suffolk the summer before Covid,  how my life has changed since bloody Covid.  Have recorded it will watch this evening.

Watched a film on Friday, Time of their Lives with Joan Collins and Pauline Collins, a couple of old women trying to get to a funeral in France, really enjoyed it, not many films with two old ladies as the leads.


Didn't go a bundle on Downtown Abbey.. It rather reminds me of stage acting.. 
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


To be fair, it always did a bit but the 'movie' was rather thrown together to ride the initial wave of success..


Just watched a most peculiar film..'Riders Of Justice'. Estonian, which is a first for me, and it seemed to be a comedy.. for a while that is, until the train got blown to pieces..Almost didn't see the naked and bound, teen male au-pere kneeling with a tray of drinks on his back.. No sex mind..tut..Not a whiff of it.. As I said, a most peculiar film and many people died violently..


Heading off to bed now, getting a headache, it's been hovering most of the day. Hoping sleep will chase it.
Night.  :zzz:


Night Raven. I'm off to in a mo'.

Somebody started a g'night thread the other day....
