Not invited..

Started by Scrumpy, December 23, 2024, 12:44:46 PM

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On the radio..

If someone who is invited to your home to celebrate Christmas/New Year and they have one of the many bugs doing the rounds do you tell them not to come or do you grin and bear it.?
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


If someone I had invited knew they had Flu/Covid or whatever, I would like to think they would tell me, and not be so selfish as to  spread it around to everyone else.


I wouldn't dream of going to someone's home if I had any bug.. And I wouldn't expect anyone to come here with the same.. I wouldn't invite them inside..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Exactly, Something can be arranged later when they're better. I would be fuming if someone did this to us, and neither of us would be so bad mannered to do it to anyone else.  :nooo:


Along similar lines to Scrumpy's question,  I have just come back from an appointment at Northampton Hospital.   
I had booked a volunteer driver take me as that hospital is so huge, I wouldn't have a clue how to get round the car park let alone find the department I needed.

I am grateful for being taken,  but not only did the car stink of Vaping,  (fancy vaping in a car when you know you've got passengers to pick up)!   but he also sounded all snuffly, and when I enquired he informed me he had been off work with Flu all last week.

I don't want to sound ungrateful,  but I was not happy about being shut in with him, nor the stinky vapy car either.


I was left waiting in NGH somewhere around Christmas time last year for 3 hours. I came away with some strange bug or other. 

Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


I know that it's purely coincidence, but a couple or do years ago I went to A&E as I had chest pains.  Other than that, I felt fine.  After being seen to and waiting for a result of a final blood test, and waiting for another couple of hours in an over air conditioned area, I felt suddenly poorly.  On my way home I bought a kit and tested positive for Covid.

I felt fine apart from a slight chest pain before I went to hospital!


It took me 2 days from infection to cough starting and 5 to a +ve test. You can blame them  for a lot but not for catching Covid. You will almost certainly have shared it though as it is most infectious early on.

Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


I know.  But it was a curious coincidence.


Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity