Holocaust Memorial Day

Started by Alex, January 27, 2022, 02:06:37 PM

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A visit to Bergen-Belsen many, many years ago will stay in my mind forever.


I have never visited any of the sites and don't really think I'd want to. I have seen plenty of the horrible footage that was made (and what the hell were they thinking recoding it) and it really doesn't seem possible that such things happened during the lifetime of many here.

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The recordings were needed as evidence I guess, who would have believed what happened was the truth, if they hadn't seen it ?  In 2018 I was in Nuremburg and visited where the trials took place, there was a small museum and it was really interesting.
I feel a great sympathy for the Jews, even though as Catholics we were always  told the Jews murdered Jesus !   They deserve Israel and I don't really care what happens to the Palestinians, they only want the annihilation of Israel and the Jews.  Imagine if I'd put this comment on PF  :grin: :grin: :grin:


Quote from: Alex on January 27, 2022, 02:50:55 PM
The recordings were needed as evidence I guess
I meant the ones the Germans recorded not the camp liberations.

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what stuns me is the fact they were humans.... i mean the Nazi's not the Jews.... what kind of people could treat children like that, i know they were not ordinary Germans but hand picked Psycos.... but the ordinary Germans and Poles who lived there, how could they not know...


People, even normal people, can be coerced into some pretty bad behaviour. This is a famous example you may well have seen before.

It isn't herding folk into a gas chamber but it is beyond what you'd expect anybody to do

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Ordinary Germans who lived near must have known, they were too afraid for their own lives to speak out I imagine.   I've just watched a clip of two elderly Jewish men being attacked by a big black fella in London, it'll never change.


but what has a big black guy got to do with Jews...


Quote from: crabbyob on January 27, 2022, 09:25:22 PM
but what has a big black guy got to do with Jews...

He was probably muslim, like all those arriving on our beaches are.


A Jewish lady was speaking on the radio yesterday of her experiences as a young child being sent to a concentration camp..
The evil Nazis would put people in an enclosed pen and let a mad bull loose .. They were trapped..  The lady said that the bulls horns destroyed her mother's face.. Bastards.

It is illegal in Germany to display the Nazi flag..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Lots of Nazi stuff is illegal there. They want to forget. Can you blame them?

Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity

Michael Rolls

But there is the old saying that those who forget the past are bound to repeat it
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Did it ever really stop though? Plenty of very nasty regimes are around still. Genocide still happens but maybe not on an industrial scale.

Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


Here is an article on "could it happen again" from a source few here would read. The conclusion appears to be that it could.

If we sit here and think ourselves far removed from the events of the Holocaust and that such a thing could never happen again, then we are unfortunately deluding ourselves with a false sense of security and self-assurance.

Author note at the end.
Dr. Paul Jones is Head of History and Politics at an independent school. This article is a speech he will deliver this morning at the school to mark Holocaust Memorial Day.


Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity