Sept 4th - Calendar riot day!

Started by Silver Tabby, September 04, 2024, 08:04:46 AM

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Silver Tabby

In 1751 Parliament decreed that Britain should change from the 'old style' Julian to the 'new style' (and present) Gregorian calendar, which was eleven days ahead - thereby causing dissent among the populous. To make up the discrepancy, in 1752, September 2nd was immediately followed by September 14th. This, not unnaturally, outraged the people - who believed the government had cheated them, and their lives would be shortened by eleven days. They went on the rampage, rioting, and demanding 'Give us back our eleven days!'


Might see the same here. Out on our zimmers demanding back our fuel allowance and single occupier rate relief. Throwing incontinence pants at the police. At least we could be warm in jail over winter,


Give us back our eleven days

Brilliant stuff.. 
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Well the Lammas Day protest worked. 


Gilbert and Sullivan introduced a plot in Pirates of Penzance where due to some small print, a boy born on 29th of February didn't reach his 21st birthday for 80 odd years. I just thought I'd mention it because some people must have lost their birthday in 1751.