
Started by Scrumpy, August 18, 2024, 11:16:31 AM

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 I have been outside cutting my hedges and it is lovely seeing the old regulars walk by..
A little boy learning to ride his bike.. He was happy to show me how he could maneuver around my hedge cuttings..
My friend.. A three legged rescued Greyhound.. She waits for me to pet her and talk to her..
Many people with dogs headed towards the park..
 A lovely old guy going up to the church.. He always stops for a chat.. Never preaches..  He always has a runny nose.. must be the excitement of seeing me.!
What a great guy he is... He always wishes me a good day and hopes we will chat again very soon...
And then there is Robert.. who gives me a broad grin.. He lives in a home nearby.. He needs help coping with everyday things.. He is on his way to see his Dad who lives just down the road ..

I like familiarity... it makes me feel comfortable..
 What is your road like.. ?
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Mostly friendly, and more do ever since I started to pick the litter up regularly😉

On one side, our neighbour brings us food now and again, which is lovely.  Either as a thank you for something or part of religious ceremonies.  On the other side are a bit of an odd young couple.  He wears floury Turkish pantaloons and has a pony tail.  Also, we've never got over their dog biting my wife for no reason.


Quote from: Scrumpy on August 18, 2024, 11:16:31 AMI have been outside cutting my hedges and it is lovely seeing the old regulars walk by..
A little boy learning to ride his bike.. He was happy to show me how he could maneuver around my hedge cuttings..
My friend.. A three legged rescued Greyhound.. She waits for me to pet her and talk to her..
Many people with dogs headed towards the park..
 A lovely old guy going up to the church.. He always stops for a chat.. Never preaches..  He always has a runny nose.. must be the excitement of seeing me.!
What a great guy he is... He always wishes me a good day and hopes we will chat again very soon...
And then there is Robert.. who gives me a broad grin.. He lives in a home nearby.. He needs help coping with everyday things.. He is on his way to see his Dad who lives just down the road ..

I like familiarity... it makes me feel comfortable..
 What is your road like.. ?

What a nice happy post, Scrumpy.

I know what you mean because when I am working on my front flower bed,  people passing always stop for a chat,  and their doggies wag their tails and come for a pat.  
One chap even  cut through a thick branch of my Buddleja for me, that I had been struggling with.  :smiley:


I know most of my neighbours they're all friendly apart from the old Welsh git at the back who, when I was at work climbed into my garden and drilled holes in my low wall for his fudging fence !   He's still an arse**** and put pieces of wood with nails on top of said fence - to stop the cats !  I took them down and slung them in his garden.  He was ready to have a go at me until he saw the size of my lad  :grin: Those were the days when I was fit  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:

Next door are Polish, a lovely couple but I wish he'd cut down that tree !   Other side is a fella living alone, really nice man who has saved my bacon many times, like when I was trying to bleed a radiator and ended up with water gushing everywhere, fortunately he works from home and came straight away to fix it. 
I didn't know there was a little valve in the nut, think on girls if you're doing a bit of radiator bleeding, dont twist the key too far  :grin:

There's Sarah the Avon lady who always calls in for a chat, even when I don't order anything.  The poor girl is living next door to the HMO with the "unknowns" people of colour living there.   Then I've got Gary, an Evertonian, he works from home something to do with insurance I think.  Beryl a Liverpudlian, we always have a good laugh.  Two gays who have now split up, so only one living there now, he seems a friendly fella.  We've got a Scots fella whose wife died last year, my grand=dogs always made a bee line for their gate as they always got treats.   We've got Simon a postman, grown up kids, he's a good gardener always giving tips.... think that's it - WELL YOU DID ASK !!!


The answers are brilliant.. So interesting to read how other people live..
I have pics of my house but have no idea how to put them up.
My immediate neighbours ... Wife Spanish husband British born and bred.. They are lovely people .. She pops over to Spain a lot.. Dental treatment is cheaper.. They leave their gate key with me so I can help myself to raspberries and apples..
Val and David live in a bungalow nearby.. They are around ninety.. David will pick up anything nasty in my garden that I won't go near..
I also have Val down the road who is my mate.. She goes to the local cemetery many times ( after a sadness).. But I think she has a crush on one of the grave diggers up there.
Simon , down the road, is my handyman who will pop up to help me if I have a problem..
I have a road sign in my front garden that tells how many miles to some of the countries I have visited..
An arrow pointing the way to the local shop.. which reads 
 ' Co-op .. up the road . chuck a left'
And one that points up towards the sky and reads 
' Neverland. Second star on the Right'.
It is all very colourful.. I made it myself..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..



My joined on neighbour is moving. She's ok, but she has an adult son who is an a***hole towards her.  He was trouble as a teen when we first moved here 20 years ago, he moved out, came back etc.  From what she says, she's run out of money due to him, and is downsizing. We won't miss hearing either his souped up banger or him. Nice young couple of teachers with a toddler and a baby on the way on the other side.  Several more neighbours are our age or older, pretty quiet mostly.

Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖