Back seat..

Started by Scrumpy, July 25, 2024, 09:38:46 AM

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As a driver do you feel uncomfortable when someone else is at the wheel..  ?

Do your feet touch the imaginary brake.. ?
Do you breath in when passing stationary traffic.. ?
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..



.. and round-a-bouts !! 

My mate is like a bloody driving instructor when sitting as a passenger in my car.. 
 'Stop.. stop.. wait.. wait... go now.. go, go go'... 
And as for parking she tells me where it is and how to get in it..  :yahoo: :yahoo:
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I'm a good passenger. I keep my mouth shut and rarely scream.

Michael Rolls

I'm reasonably comfortable with someone else driving - shame about no brake pedal my side!
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Depends on who the driver is, Dunc and Regan are great drivers, but I hate getting in the car with one of my sisters.


I'm a nervous passenger, I like my own foot on the  brake  :grin:


Funnily enough, I told my wife today that I might book a driving lesson to ascertain whether I've picked up any bad habits. 

I also suggested that she did the same.  Her reply was that she didn't need to, since I told her all of her bad driving habits anyway😬😬😬


Quote from: Raven on July 25, 2024, 04:24:20 PMDepends on who the driver is, Dunc and Regan are great drivers, but I hate getting in the car with one of my sisters.

I agree with that -  depends on the driver.

My son bothers me a little,  because he is like a lot of men,  and doesn't signal enough when doing things like changing lane, or on roundabouts.    I don't like whizzing through amber traffic lights,  or just generally going faster than I feel comfortable with.

Other people who I do feel safe with,  its lovely to be driven for a change, instead of always having to drive myself, especially anywhere I am not sure about.


I feel safe with my son driving.. my daughter and son-in-law..
My grandchildren , on the other hand, drive too fast.. too close.. 
Sometimes I think youngsters can be a bit cocky..

Hattie, my granddaughter, was asked if she would drive me back to Surrey when we were on a family visit.. Her answer was
 'Can somebody else do it.. I want to drive fast'
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


One of the things that occurred to me while having a white knuckle ride as a passenger in my daughter's car yesterday, was that as a driver you feel a comfort zone of a about a yard between yourself and things on the nearside, such as the kerb, hedges, wing mirrors etc.  As a passenger, you're sitting at least 2 feet closer to those, and it feels a whole lot tighter, if you catch my meaning.

Think there's also a different perspective of speed.  Several times yesterday I was convinced she was driving at high velocity, whereas looking at her speedometer, it was actually under 30mph.