What's doing the rounds.. !!

Started by Scrumpy, July 23, 2024, 09:41:18 AM

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I still feel rough.. after a week..
Tired.. no energy.. cough.. runny nose..
My mate has the same problem.. 
What is it!!  Is it a virus !!

Is it something going on just down South. !!
I hope them there foreigners haven't put something in the water to keep wimmin quiet..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Er, sounds like it could be Covid.  Wouldn't bother testing yourself, since knowing won't make you recover any quicker.


It's the same up here, people are feeling very rough. It could be a mildish dose of Covid but then again it could be something else entirely. Dunc been very quiet the last couple of days and I'm sure he's in the early stages of.....Something.
Hope you feel better soon.


I usually get anything that's floating around, but so far nothing floating up here in the north west.   :lipsrsealed:

Hope you shake it off soon Scrumpy.   :upvote:



Sounds like a virus of some sort but a week is quite a while.  Hope you kick it into touch soon. Not aware of anything in these parts.


My friend ended up in A&E.. The doctor said there is covid doing the rounds..
But, she did not test positive for covid.. He said it just meant she was not infectious..
She said the waiting room was full of people coughing and spluttering all over the place... You wouldn't catch me in places like that..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I was left waiting in the local hospital for 3 hours. No idea why and they said nothing. I picked up some sort of bug there from that wait. Best only visit hospitals if you have a good immune system and plenty of patience.

Found my old post about that.
Seems the bug wasn't the only bonus as I also had the benefit of an old fashioned prostate test and a booking for a colonoscopy. I must have a cute bum.


I was in a massive state of alarm a few years back when I had to get that camera thing down my throat to try and move some gall stones that were stuck in my tubes, I was sore for days after and could hardly breathe without hurting. I don't think I would be able to handle it going up the back passage, the very though of it is making me shake. [1080]


The first one was a bit painful at times. Trouble is there are lots of bends in that particular road and it needs a skilful driver to navigate them. The second was an absolute breeze - I reckon the bloke was a racing driver. I chose not to have sedation as that requires somebody to pick you up and from memory keep an eye on you for a while too. I walked and bussed back home. The worst part of it is the absolute muck you have to down in volume before to make sure the road isn't muddy. Tastes foul and made me feel ill. The numerous visits to the smallest room are no fun either.

Silver Tabby

This is doing the rounds in some places: -

What is Nipah virus?
The Nipah virus infection is a "zoonotic illness" transmitted from animals like pigs and fruit bats to humans, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
The WHO has described the virus as a priority pathogen because of its potential to trigger an epidemic.
What are the symptoms of Nipah virus?
Initial symptoms may include:
  • Fever
  • Headaches
  • Muscle pain
  • Vomiting
  • Sore throat

and Monkey Pox is back.


Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Instead of keeping bats, pigs and monkeys as house pets Scumps, can't you just make do with a goldfish like the rest of us?😬


Should I be amazed or astounded when a multi-million dollar outfit like the WHO discovers that there are diseases about in the world? Not really.