Britains strictness Headmistress on food

Started by muddy, June 25, 2024, 08:06:57 AM

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A lot of today's parents should take a leaf out of her book, she's quite correct IMO.
It's the way we were brought up, mine and all of my sisters as well. UNLESS, it was something that was known to be really horrible to us then it was either left off the plate or we got another veg.


No choice when I was a kid.. We just ate our cabbage..
Kids rule the parents about what they are going to eat..
Too much on offer in the stores.. All these packet things.. all different flavours..
I was a school dinner lady for all ages.. the kids lined up , held out their plates..
and said 'Small' if they didn't like what was on offer..
Treacle tart.. Butterscotch tart went down well..

I don't believe in making children eat anything that they really dislike..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


With me it was rice pudding . :ugh: I just went without when it was on the menu.


Scrumps..."Butterscotch tart" will have a poignant meaning for some of us expats from OFF😉😬

June 25, 2024, 10:06:22 AM
Quote from: Raven on June 25, 2024, 10:02:14 AMWith me it was rice pudding . :ugh: I just went without when it was on the menu.
Have never recovered from being forced to eat beetroot at primary school.


Quote from: muddy on June 25, 2024, 08:06:57 AMDon't you just love this woman 😀
If only she, and several hundred more like her, could form the next government we'd have our country back!
Numquam credere Gallicum


Quote from: dextrous63 on June 25, 2024, 10:03:51 AMScrumps..."Butterscotch tart" will have a poignant meaning for some of us expats from OFF😉😬

[time]June 25, 2024, 10:06:22 AM[/time]Have never recovered from being forced to eat beetroot at primary school.

That's weird,  because exactly the same thing happened to me, Dex,  and I still hate Beetroot now.

If I am eating out and there is any on my plate I have to ask them to remove it, and even then the revolting stuff still leaves all that horrible purply/pink juice everywhere it's been.  

When I was at school,  we had to sit at the dinner table until we'd finished.  
 I would be almost retching but still they made me eat the dreaded beetroot.   I was gagging.

I remember my Mum telling me to wrap it in a tissue and dispose of it somewhere once I got outside,  but a little bitch in my class saw me doing this, and reported me, and I had to go to the Head Mistress!   All over some flamin'  beetroot!   It's all wrong to force kids when they are genuinly distressed like that.

I still can't eat it to this day.   Vile stuff.


Agreed Mups.  I actually now state "no beetroot" when asked about special diatary needs.  It'll be on my NHS records somewhere, near DNR. 🤣🤣🤣


And I love beetroot, not the pickled stuff the natural. I have some growing in my veggie patch.  :embarrassed:



Quote from: Ruthio on June 25, 2024, 01:26:29 PMGod I love this woman!  ❤
You just want to be dominated.  May I suggest you find a real man?😬😬😬


Says the man who makes the bed but no say in the choice of duvet cover....  :grin: