Foreign Newspapers

Started by Alex, June 13, 2024, 03:38:51 PM

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I posted a joke today, well a cartoon actually and I thought, not for the first time, that I'm ALWAYS posting about immigration and the religion of peace to name just two subjects.   Then I thought I wonder how many of us read 'foreign' papers, I know Klondy does, I do too mainly German ones.  I read about so many incidents of German kids being knifed, maimed and killed I can only surmise because they're German.

We don't hear much of it in our papers, apart from the illegal in Paris who went about stabbing babies in prams which was horrendous, so that was in our papers..

In February this year a 16 year old boy named Filipp, who was the youngest kid in his family and an avid skateboarder went to the local skatepark in Meinerhagen NRW where he was attacked by 15 Arab immigrants who kicked his head in.   Filipp struggled for his life in hospital for 9 days but eventually succumbed to his injuries. 

These incidents happen a lot in Germany, thankfully not always ending in death, but everyday there are ' incidents' of German kids and women being attacked.  It's here in UK too, but not on such a scale - YET.

Fillip -



OMG, I had no idea  :shocked: Why are we still letting these foreign horrors into this Country :wtf:
I suppose nothing will happen to stop it until some of the governments families are attacked.
Maybe then, just maybe they will deport them all.



Of course, I know that this country is in awe to them and not only invites them in in their droves and also fears arresting or deporting them, but I had no idea that Germany was this bad.

Has no-one in Europe got the strength to do what is necessary, or are we all going to become middle-eastern enclaves?

We desperately need an uprising of what British patriots we still have, because the next government will import even more of them.
Numquam credere Gallicum


Mainland Europe has it a lot worse than we do. Sweden was far too liberal and now has no go areas where they are armned with hand grenades amongst other things.

Our main problem isn't illegal migration - its the silly sods letting in around ¾million legally every year. Sure we get some leave the country too - mostly Brits who can afford to with few ties I'd guess.


Quote from: klondike on June 13, 2024, 04:53:44 PMMainland Europe has it a lot worse than we do. Sweden was far too liberal and now has no go areas where they are armned with hand grenades amongst other things.

Our main problem isn't illegal migration - its the silly sods letting in around ¾million legally every year. Sure we get some leave the country too - mostly Brits who can afford to with few ties I'd guess.
I hadn't realised that things were worse in Europe than they are here.  I suppose that's why France encourages the invaders to set sail freely from their shores to come to Treasure Island.

I'm sure I've read news reports that Europe is becoming right-wing.  Perhaps they've finally realised that that is their only hope.  And now we are determined to let in Labour again!

Numquam credere Gallicum


Most if not all of our dinghy boys have crossed the Med fron North Africa to Italy or Greece then made their way to where they want to go. Obviously for the dinghy boys that is here and Calais is the staging area. Lots go to Germany.


They are all over Europe why don't they go to a Muslim country .


Quote from: muddy on June 15, 2024, 07:24:21 PMThey are all over Europe why don't they go to a Muslim country .
They don't need to go to a Muslim country.. 
They are busy making one here.
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Scrumpy on June 15, 2024, 07:34:57 PMThey don't need to go to a Muslim country..
They are busy making one here.
Exactly.  Also, like the fools we are, we give them housing, money, healthcare, and everything they want for free.  A lot more than they'd receive in a muslim country.

I also agree with Scrumpy, that I am sure that they are further encouraged to come here by their leaders in order to increase their numbers with a view to eventually taking over the country, as far-fetched as it sounds.  It is in their holy book to spread their religion for that very reason.
Numquam credere Gallicum


Until and unless the majority population of the country stand up, walk the streets creating mayhem in nights of the broken glass set of events, we will just have to accept that we are inexorably done for.

Complacency and lack of contempt has started the rot.


Quote from: Scrumpy on June 15, 2024, 07:34:57 PMThey don't need to go to a Muslim country..
They are busy making one here.

Spot on Scrumps


Quote from: dextrous63 on June 15, 2024, 08:23:38 PMUntil and unless the majority population of the country stand up, walk the streets creating mayhem in nights of the broken glass set of events, we will just have to accept that we are inexorably done for.

Complacency and lack of contempt has started the rot.
Yes, and I think this is due entirely to the present generation of British people.

My father's generation would never have stood for it.
Numquam credere Gallicum

Michael Rolls

Nor mine, nor my father's. I despair of the idiots claiming to run this country
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


The left-wing New Popular Front alliance is on course to land a shock victory in French elections, or is it a shock  ? :boo:


As to Germany - in my opinion the difference between German papers and yours is that ours print everything, irrespective of the fact that it's positive or negative. On the other side no other European country has taken more migrants than Germany (one of the reasons is our legislation) and many migrants suffer from psychological damage. Not that you think that I am approving their behaviour, above all the stabbing is a no-go but we really don't know what they have experienced in the past. Moreover, there's an enormous difference in mentality - often they come from countries were girls and women are considered as inferior and working slaves and probably they can't understand that Western girls and women are equal and independent. 
As to France - for the French it seems sort of a shock to be, for us (Germans) a relief, for Europe, we have to wait and see. 
As to the UK - I know you won't agree - Starmer seems to be a reliable and reasonable person - don't you think you need such a person after the turbulent last years - Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss, Sunak - did I forget someone?