Not So Smart After All.

Started by Raven, January 20, 2024, 12:37:02 PM

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Smart buses not working in the cold. :wtf:

This part post from a friend on another forum about electric car charging.....not.

He came back today to tell me what their plan to do, and we chatted about things electric getting on to cars and chargers, he said one of the biggest problems the electric board has, is the car chargers, they are smart and very sensitive to voltage change, so if a car is on charge overnight, a very slight change in the supply volts trigger it to shut down, and it doesn't restart, meaning when you leap into your 'fully charged car' in the morning, it's dead, and they get the complaints, lots of 'em apparently.


Saw something the other day - possibly Farage in Ohio about car parks being littered with Teslas that had flat batteries and the chargers couldn't get them recharged in the cold.

Will check if I can find a story or video.

January 20, 2024, 01:04:21 PM
Not what I saw sfaik but ...

January 20, 2024, 01:09:05 PM
Bloody autocorrupt put an apostrophe in Teslas and I had to fix it. Don't want JBR on my case :grin:


Actually, I shouldn't laugh about these things, but I find it amusing that all of those people thinking that if they fall for the 'smart car' idea they will end up being better for it, especially if they don't have to pay road tax.

Nothing personal to any individuals, but if you're daft enough to fall for government promises, more fool you!

I have always spoken about the foolish nett zero nonsense we hear about now, not only electric cars, and it seems that more and more people are beginning to realise what nonsense it is.

January 20, 2024, 01:27:14 PM
Quote from: klondike on January 20, 2024, 01:01:32 PMBloody autocorrupt put an apostrophe in Teslas and I had to fix it. Don't want JBR on my case :grin:
I should simply sit back and let them get on with it.  Greengrocers' apostrophes here there and everywhere.  It's just one more example of British dumbing down and, as they say, language does seem to change over the years and it's impossible to stop it!

Nevertheless, I shall still continue to maintain my personal standards!
Oh, and if anyone should spot a mistake I have made, I'd be grateful if you could point it out.  👍
A missionary from Yorkshire to the primitive people of Lancashire


I never point out spelling mistakes as my sausage fingers would ensure that my post pointing out the error is likley to contain one too.



Quote from: klondike on January 20, 2024, 02:42:06 PMI never point out spelling mistakes as my sausage fingers would ensure that my post pointing out the error is likley to contain one too.
Haha! And so it has!  🤣
A missionary from Yorkshire to the primitive people of Lancashire