Notting Hill Carnival

Started by Alex, August 31, 2023, 07:04:29 AM

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Yet more disgraceful scenes from what Khan calls a 'family day out'  8 stabbings, police officers injured, sexual assaults, it all happened at this "carnival"   Every year seems to get worse, probably due to more immigrants descending on the capital.  There have been calls to move the event to a park, where more people can be accommodated, but I doubt that will happen.  Khan wants the event to remain in its home and it's apparent what Khan wants Khan gets.

Michael Rolls

I know what I'd like him to get!
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


I'd already started a thread but I'll paste my OP in yours & remove mine.

If the article didn't say it was in London I would never have guessed, just from the photos, it wasn't some African shit hole.

August 31, 2023, 07:26:08 AM
Quote from: Alex on August 31, 2023, 07:04:29 AMYet more disgraceful scenes from what Khan calls a 'family day out'  8 stabbings, police officers injured, sexual assaults, it all happened at this "carnival"  Every year seems to get worse, probably due to more immigrants descending on the capital.  There have been calls to move the event to a park, where more people can be accommodated, but I doubt that will happen.  Khan wants the event to remain in its home and it's apparent what Khan wants Khan gets.
it's apparent what Khan wants Khan gets.

But he'll never be white, he'll always look like a hook-nosed little Arab, so he'll always have that chip on his shoulder.
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


Sorry Phil, I didn't see your thread, or if I did I've commented and forgotten !  :grin:


Quote from: Alex on August 31, 2023, 07:34:10 AMSorry Phil, I didn't see your thread, or if I did I've commented and forgotten !  :grin:
It doesn't matter, no mine hadn't got any replies which is why it was easier to merge it with yours.
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


That is NOT a Carnival.. It's a war zone.. 
 The knife experts put on a realistic show..  :nooo: :bandaged: :bandaged: :boo:

People should be able to enjoy them selves.. When Notting Hill Carnival started it was brilliant.. A lovely day out for families.. 

Have you noticed that these kniffers cover their faces .. they are cowards..
Looking at the pics they have black hands.. :busted:
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Same worse every year. Gives the news outlets a story I suppose.

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


Apart from certain rich people's areas, Londonistan is, or will soon become, the first third-world city in the UK.
Few cars, due to Khant's new rules, apart from a limited number of EVs, so the people who still live there will have to rely on the overcrowded Underground, or walk...
or perhaps we may see the adoption of camel transport, in keeping with the surroundings.
Numquam credere Gallicum


They tried that with horses in Victorian times. It wasn't a success.

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


These "elected mayors" have too much power concentrated in one office. Completely against the traditional British rule by committee. Ok while they are doing acceptable things, but once they go against the people, the error of giving one person so much power is exposed.


You are right Ashy.. Power has gone to his head.. 
He is losing popularity now.. I wonder who will wear the crown next..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


the position and office of mayor of greater London should be abolished. The GLA should take collective decisions. Should we ever need a ceremonial mayor we have 33 others including the Lord Mayor.


What is a Mayor actually meant to do? We had a mayor in Perth when I lived there all the time, but she never did anything other than ceremonial things.
Unlike this one in London who seems to think he can do whatever he likes as the big I Am.
What's so special about his job?


Different types of mayors. Sheffield, like most towns and cities, has a Lord Mayor. He or she is the ceremonial face of the council, but has no decision making powers.  

Then we have an elected mayor for the Sheffield City Region, basically all of South Yorks, who is similar to Khan't or Andy Burnham. Burnham seems to try to do what is right for Greater Manchester.  Ours has not got the same profile, same party though.
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Sooooo has the London Mayor got special power that others don't have. The man IMO has the bit between his teeth and is in full gallop, causing hassle everywhere.
Is it not time he was reigned in?