
Started by alfred, April 21, 2023, 03:12:03 PM

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It seems long ago long before the computer had arrived it wasn't out of place to see women either on a bus or train pull out knitting needles and a ball of wool, to day i wonder would young girls  bother to take up this say hobby and enjoy using their hands to produce something warm or cuddly,  even making dolls cloths , of course it is most likely out of date and even old fashioned but in these troubled times  knitting is a way of escape,  for the world and all it problems comes at a cost,

my wife knew a young girl with a small family un picking old woollen jumpers  and the re knit a new ole using odd bits of wool ,   today people go to the charity shops but even they  have regular customers who find a bargain or two especially if they dont have the time or cant knit,

Q; are you good with the needles  if so will you tell us what you have knitted,


I enjoy knitting and have done since mum taught me when I was around 5/6 years old. We had to knit a scarf at school and she decided to teach me properly as I make a real mess of it.
I knitted lots of sweaters and school ones as well for the kids when they were growing up, these days it's big winter sweaters, they take me longer as I have other things to do but Regan likes a new one every Christmas and so does Dunc. I did take a pic of the one I did last Christmas for herself but I need to rake for it. Will post it when I find it, it's in my 100s of FB pics.


My wife used to knit. Couldn't sit next to her when she did. Clickety click. Knitety knit. Pokety poke. It was always a thing to knit stuff for new babies but new mums stopped wanting that sort of thing years back.


My mum was a beautiful knitter. She taught me, but I've never been patient enough. My daughter can knit, but never has time!
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


I've never been able to knit, I blame being left handed I could never get the hang of it.  :grin:  Mind I blame being left handed for my inability to master line dancing too !  :grin:


Found it, took forever to rake through.

Michael Rolls

looks good  :upvote:  :upvote: . Mum was a good knitter and knitted sweaters for us as children, including unpicking ones out of which we had grown and reusing the wool to make a bigger one!
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


I knitted a coat .. way back.. It was made up of squares sewn together... Very trendy.. I taught my grandchildren to knit.. I wish I had kept their results..
I don't find knitting very interesting really .. The French had the right idea.. They used the guillotine to keep knitters amused..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I do a lot of knitting mainly for the local hospital.  People with dementia tend to pull out their cannula so I make cannula sleeves with lots of safe 'twiddles'.  I have recently made a couple of twiddle muffs and experimented with a knitted Doctor Dolly.  
I went to a new knit and natter group yesterday and they made me very welcome and loved the Dolly.  The ladies make beautiful post box toppers and I was 'bullied' into crocheting a lot of flowers for the next one.


I love the post box toppers. They started appearing during lockdown.
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Quote from: Alex on April 21, 2023, 10:00:51 PMI've never been able to knit, I blame being left handed I could never get the hang of it.  :grin:  Mind I blame being left handed for my inability to master line dancing too !  :grin:
I blame the fact that nobody makes left handed pianos for my inability to have become a concert pianist!!

My mother used to knit, but sadly I don't.


... and I can only do 'Stage right' and not 'Stage left' and that is why I am not the worlds greatest actress..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Plus restaurants keep putting the cutlery on the wrong sides or facing the wrong way.  It's difficult eating custard with the handle end of a spoon!


.. try using the fork ..  It takes a while but it's okay to for the lumps..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: dextrous63 on April 26, 2023, 10:00:30 PMI blame the fact that nobody makes left handed pianos for my inability to have become a concert pianist!!

But you can get left handed pianos, so it's never too late to learn :cool: