I’m free..

Started by Scrumpy, November 07, 2022, 06:42:16 PM

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When in M&S getting a coffee I noticed the ad on the counter.. 'Christmas staff needed at this store..'
I said to Shaun , my mate, that I wouldn't mind doing something like that but they would think me too old.. The guy serving us said 'Go for it.. there is no age limit'.
Just wondering what job would suit me.. !!
I can see me phoning up and saying ' I can't come in today , my legs are a bit wobbly'..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


All that pushing and shoving, Christmas crowds, stacking shelves  ?  nah  :grin:


Trouble is you would probably pay tax on the whole of your wage, as they would take your pensions into account, would it be worth it?


Yeah but... I would be warm.. 
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


Quote from: Scrumpy on November 07, 2022, 06:42:16 PMWhen in M&S getting a coffee I noticed the ad on the counter.. 'Christmas staff needed at this store..'
I said to Shaun , my mate, that I wouldn't mind doing something like that but they would think me too old.. The guy serving us said 'Go for it.. there is no age limit'.
Just wondering what job would suit me.. !!
I can see me phoning up and saying ' I can't come in today , my legs are a bit wobbly'..
I think you might enjoy a little Christmas job at the Co-op  :smiley:


I like my self selected short shifts in the charity shop, but I couldn't manage longer hours. I did work part time after state pension age, and as Jacq says, I was taxed on the lot.
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


£12,570 personal tax allowance in tax year 22/23. State pension is less than that or at least mine is and still will be after the 10.1% rise we will be getting for 23/24  :rolleyes:

There will probably be tax but not on all of it.

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


They certainly don't make it easy for pensioners.  :cry:


Does anyone remember if pensioners have a higher personal allowance once? I seem to think they did.


Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


In 2016, George Osbourne the Chancellor removed the Pensioners extra tax allowance of then £1500 a year.  The 'Wallpaper baron' and his greasy apparatchik, Lib-dem pensioner hater, 'Steven Webb' as Minister at the DWP, broke the retained and indexated tradition first established in 1925 by Winston Churchill, when he was Chancellor. Webb now earns £545k a year, for two days a MONTH at the Royal London Mutual Assurance Society and Osbourne's back as an adviser to Hunt! God help UK pensioners now, because no-one else ever will!
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