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Started by crabbyob, January 07, 2022, 10:14:25 AM

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when reading another thread that mentioned gays and Lesbians, i thought back, i reckon for most of my life i have been aware of some gay man lurking in my periphery.... and i smile trying to remember the conversation in which my Granny mentioned 'Les Beings'... but i cannot ever remember meeting any untill i was in my mid thirties... there are now legions of them.... so that puts them in the middle to late seventies... when did you first meet your Les Being.... actually its not fair using grannys descriptor, because i had quite a few Lebian friends [ I got the club rules changed so they could play Snooker and pool]

Michael Rolls

I don't know if I ever have - not something which tends to come up in conversations I have held with folk over the years
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


perhaps one should get out more.. [2090]


Quote from: crabbyob on January 07, 2022, 10:14:25 AM
i have been aware of some gay man lurking in my periphery....
Where oh where is Phil when he's needed?

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


I met my first gay man back in the seventies..
We went out together many times.. He was a great friend and still is..
Back in the sixties it wasn't happening so much.. We did have a guy in our group of mates who worked on the cruise liners.. He told some interesting stories and he smelled divine..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..

Wandering Walter

Quote from: Michael Rolls on January 07, 2022, 10:16:36 AM
I don't know if I ever have - not something which tends to come up in conversations I have held with folk over the years

I agree back in those days it was a criminal offence for a man to have sex with another man if caught sent to prison, Turin is a perfect example,


Most of the gay men I've come across are extroverts and can be real fun at a party. Takes all sorts. Live and let live.  etc. etc.

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


I wasn't aware of homosexuals (the word gay infuriates me, my school friend was named Gay, what a bloody nightmare for her now) or lesbians until after I was married.  My husband worked with a chap who sung in a band, we used to go and see them quite a lot.  One day he was moaning at work about his flatmate who bought home a women,  the penny dropped with his fellow workers that he was after this chap himself.  I can honestly say that I never knew such people existed before that and now its an epidemic. 

I shall never get my head around men marrying men and women the same, it is not equal to marriage between a man and women.   When I was at school all us kids would have laughed and been revolted at the very idea if we had known about such things.  I wouldn't want to go back to the old days of sending them to jail that was cruel, they are free to do what they like as it is all lawful, any perversion goes these days, but please don't tell me they are as "normal" as hetrosexuals they 'ant.


The first lesbian I encountered was in work when I was about 19, she always used to stand really close when talking to you.   First gay was probably a hairdresser I had - not "had" had - if you know what I mean  :grin: 
My present hairdresser is also gay and I've known him for about 30 years.   His husband is a lovely man too and was previously married to a woman, he has 2 children from that marriage. I've met up with them socially too, a great couple who do an awful lot for charity.


If my husband went off with another man or even got together with another man after we had parted, I would be mortified, just to know he preferred a hairy bloke to me would be the biggest kick in the teeth anyone could ever do to me, I would prefer him to be a serial womaniser!!!


Who knows what goes on behind closed doors.. !
I wouldn't care if my husband had left me for a gay man.. The kick in the teeth would be that I had dated this other guy at some point..!
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: klondike on January 07, 2022, 11:42:54 AM
Most of the gay men I've come across are extroverts and can be real fun at a party. Takes all sorts. Live and let live.  etc. etc.

erm you might want to rephrase that one.. :nooo:


Not at all sweetie  :smiley:

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?

Wandering Walter

Quote from: klondike on January 07, 2022, 11:42:54 AM
Most of the gay men I've come across are extroverts and can be real fun at a party. Takes all sorts. Live and let live.  etc. etc.

I agree


i honestly have no problem with couples loving each other...But... and there will alway be one... i cant believe that the law and in some cases the Church recognises them in marriage... then a few weeks ago there was a lady being interviewed on TV demanding that her and her 'Wife' be allowed equal  amounts of sessions in being treated to have a child..... at present they are 'only' allowed six sessions whereas hetro couples get twelve... each session costing several thousand pound a session...