face mask fiasco.

Started by alfred, April 24, 2022, 07:52:00 AM

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we should. we shouldn't, no wonder the country and many politicians are getting screwed up. the saga of the face masks goes on and off as it seems no one really knows what to do for the best, so covid will be around for many many years unless the scientist come up with the correct answer to this menace. even china the place where its believe started all this  a few years ago is having another epidemic , so is it any wonder seeing some people wearing masks as my family and i do where as others are not bothering, and prefer not to wear them at all,.

Q; what are your thoughts regarding the wearing of face masks, and will you share them with us,

Michael Rolls

I hate them on two counts. Firstly, no matter what I try, my specs steam up the moment I put one on, despite trying two different sprays, the cream the MOD issue to soldiers, bar soap, liquid soap- nothing works.
More importantly, they are a badge of fear, a fear from which I wonder if we will ever escape. The only time I wear them is when I nip into the paper shop - daily - to collect the paper, total exposure a minute or so, and once a month when paying for petrol at the garage. It is no longer mandatory to wear them under such circumstances, but for the time being I will continue so to do.
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Your specs steaming up illustrates just how ineffective they are. When masks were mandated there should have been a specification. A bit of tissue made for probably less than 1p in a Chinese sweat shop will not provide the sort of protection offered by a certified surgical mask and they are pretty useless against a virus too.

It was a case of "We must do something" "This is something" "We'll do it".
Distancing in shops and supermarkets was pretty much a joke apart from till queues.
None of the interventions have been shown to have had any effect on the spread of the virus.
Stats from places with hard lockdowns compared to those with none show very similar progression and death rates.

There was what would have been an effective way to reduce deaths proposed by well qualified scientists but never adopted.


Protecting the vulnerable (this disease kills the old and those who have a below par immune system) and most others have an illness that can make them ill but by and large is not life threatening. Instead the first thing our NHS did was empty their wards of the elderly back to their care homes without even testing them. We know what the impact of that was.

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


Yesterday was the first time I didn't wear a mask in the supermarket, because I forgot !  There was still a handful of folk wearing them, but the majority didn't and those wearing them were all my generation.


I hate masks but still wear one in Tesco or the village shop. I no longer wear one at the Leisure Centre as they were only worn from the front doors to the changing rooms, then back again on the way out. Waste of time I thought. Come the really warm summer days I will stop wearing it altogether but come late Autumn......Will see how the land lies.


Technically I'm exempt from mask wearing but when it was compulsory for everyone else I did my best and wore one when I could. I'm in no rush to go back to it.
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer."

Michael Rolls

I signed the Barrington declaration - seemed a common sensensical approach
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Not to those in charge.

I think they were terrified by the red ramps of apocalypse charts that never materialised. Whether there will ever be a full report and shaming of the supposed experts dictating the path the government needed to take I doubt. It does seem that eventually they have been ignored and the numbers are finally moving in the right direction without shutting down the country.

Of course Professor Ferguson was another telling everybody to isolate while travelling regularly to bang his mistress.

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?

Michael Rolls

the man had a brilliant record of total scare mongering and incompetence. Why was anyone with a grain of common sense listening to him? Thinks - perhaps those listening lacked that vital commodity
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


I only wear a mask if required to do so.. and respect doing so..
I think it is something we have to live with now.. and get on with our lives..
If people catch it because they have not had any jabs.. so be it..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Michael Rolls on April 24, 2022, 08:21:33 AM
I hate them on two counts. Firstly, no matter what I try, my specs steam up the moment I put one on, despite trying two different sprays, the cream the MOD issue to soldiers, bar soap, liquid soap- nothing works.

That's odd, I've worn various types of face masks for many years & I've never had any issue with my specs steaming up.

I wear mine so the nose pads of the specs are required to sit so that the specs are over the top of the face mask.

Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]

Michael Rolls

that's how I wear it as well. Still steams up just about instantly regardless of what I do.
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Ah you're breathing aren't you. You need to hold your breath then it will be fine...  :smiley:

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?

Michael Rolls

shucks, never thought of that!
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


I had steaming up issues too, even though I positioned my specs over the mask.  I only wear one now when required. I was in the GP surgery this week, masked up.  I've been on public transport, in supermarkets, gym, cinema etc, without.  I'm vaccinated, can't do more.
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖