May I suggest?

Started by Akbuk, December 16, 2021, 07:41:27 PM

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It's easy for me to suggest but I don't know the technicalities on the make up of forums.
A previous forum had a "thanks" feature button. It was a useful addition. Some posts I read are real good and interesting, commenting on them is one thing but it would be nice to just click the "thanks" feature to show some appreciation to the poster.


i have also thought that, but it might be difficult to add


There is a feature in  SMF called Karma. I wasn't overly  keen on it because it seems to have the ability to vote users down as well as up. My view is even with all PF members it is too small a community to have people told the rest don't like them. To be honest with some less well liked posters such as Big Louis, The Deep and Sciatico posts from others made that obvious enough anyway.

Should PF cease operations and this board take over I think I could probably be persuaded to offer a poll on its inclusion but am not in favour. Would people feel a slight if they didn't get upticks? Would they stop posting as a result? Could such a small community as this afford to lose or push away members?

To be honest it smacks a bit too much of Facebook to me.


Quote from: Mark on December 16, 2021, 10:57:31 PM
There is a feature in  SMF called Karma. I wasn't overly  keen on it because it seems to have the ability to vote users down as well as up. My view is even with all PF members it is too small a community to have people told the rest don't like them. To be honest with some less well liked posters such as Big Louis, The Deep and Sciatico posts from others made that obvious enough anyway.

Should PF cease operations and this board take over I think I'd probably offer a poll on its inclusion but am not in favour. Would people feel a slight if they didn't get upticks? Would they stop posting as a result? Could such a small community as this afford to lose or push away members?

The forum I related to Mark never had a vote down but I see where you're coming from.
I read plenty of posts of interest, if I don't know much about the subject I don't get involved. It's nice though to show appreciation without actually posting.


My other forum has a (Like) feature. It's well used and no one has ever grumbled about my knowledge. It's a lot bigger forum though, members well into the hundreds, but of course not all post and there is a core of main posters.


It seems karma can be set to record only positive votes.  I still think we are a bit small though. By we I mean the whole PF community not here alone. With some on the board all day every day they are going to amass plenty of upticks (or be ticked off because they haven't) while casual visitors may get more casual still if they don't get any recognition. I do have one poster in mind, not here yet, who does actually ask for replies to posts and have seen others suggest that they get ignored.

Anyway should it get to the point where there is no PF and only Backup PF remains then maybe I can be persuaded it is worth having.


I'm not bothered if you install it or not.  I'm not used to it here anyway. :laugh:


When something works as well as this Mark, I for one have no arguments with it. Thanks again.


Quote from: zoony on December 16, 2021, 11:33:17 PM
When something works as well as this Mark, I for one have no arguments with it. Thanks again.


Michael Rolls

If it ain't broke, don't fix it
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me



I think if someone likes a post and there is no like function it's easy to just give it a 👍


Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


And :upvote:  :upvote:   When it's extra good..
We can have a  :boo: when we don't agree..
And a  :nooo: when someone says something naughty..

The list is endless.
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


aaaaaw sad to see Zoony on this thread.   And Crabby, how is he Scrumps  ?