Cyclists Rule The Roads & Have Precedence Over Drivers

Started by Diasi, March 04, 2023, 08:49:36 AM

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And now they rule the pavements & self-impose precedence over pedestrians, despite the new Hierarchy of the Road law stating that "cyclists and horse riders will be required to give way to pedestrians on shared path".

Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)


Don't get me started on cyclists !  Last night driving back from the supermarket, my DIL was driving, my lad next to her and me and my 3 year old grandson were in the back.  This bloody cyclist just drove straight off the pavement on to the road in front of us, my DIL braked hard, she had to or he'd have been under the wheels and it's a  b i g car .
No lights, a black fella dressed all in black, which seems to be the uniform.  My lad said much to DIL's annoyance "Well if he'd been smiling we'd have seen him "    :grin:  :grin:

Michael Rolls

Don't - Sarah Kennedy (Bunty Bagshaw) got into big trouble for saying much the same as that on the radio- she said 'if he hadn't smiled. I wouldn't have seen him' early days of bloody woke
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me


Happened to me at the start of the winter.I was turning right coming out of the pool car park, then a bloke appeared in my headlights on a bike he was all in dark clothing and I simply didn't see him untill the last moment. He was yelling blue murder at me so I yelled back, No lights, No reflective waistcoat. All dark clothes, All your fault. I flashed my phone at him and took a photo then said, My next stop is the police. He took off and I sat at the side of the road and shook.

Michael Rolls

and it's not just cyclists who image they can be seen in poorly lit circumstances in dark clothing. A neighbour of Tracey, my remedial masseur, has two virtually black Alsatians. They live in an unlit lane. As Tracey drove home in a very dark night last winter, the only thing that saved the neighbour - dressed all in black! - and her dogs was the fact that the dogs' eyes reflected the car lights. The neighbour was told of her narrow escape, and now wears a reflective jacket - but I cannot understand anyone being so stupid - and she is far from being alone
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me


It's the same here Mike, no lights untill you reach the Village or Thurso itself. When Dageus is out at night I make sure he can be easily seen, these collars are under a fiver on ebay. No excuse for anyone not to have one, also you can get flashing light badges to pin on your jacket.

Michael Rolls

good idea. I never walked Fleur at night - she hated being on a lead, so I always drove her to somewhere safe - or walked in the fields around the house - so she could dash around like a mad thing, as was her wont. I keep a professional level hi-viz jacket in the car at all times.
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me


Quote from: Michael Rolls on March 05, 2023, 09:36:01 AMgood idea. I never walked Fleur at night - she hated being on a lead, so I always drove her to somewhere safe - or walked in the fields around the house - so she could dash around like a mad thing, as was her wont. I keep a professional level hi-viz jacket in the car at all times.

Both of us have hi-viz waistcoats that we wear when we are out on the Clyde's, it's just common sense, "Be Seen Be Safe." [2090]

Michael Rolls

absolutely - come to think about it, most of the equestrians around here wear sensible hi-viz clothing all the time - brighter than the average cyclist! And it's not just at night that being seen is important - bright, low sun in a driver's eyes can make areas of shadow from trees or buildings dangerous to the darkly clothed
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me


I think it's outrageous that the pedestrian, who has cerebral palsy, learning difficulties & impaired vision was held responsible for the stupid cyclist, who wasn't able to control her bike, falling off her bike.

However, the cyclist & her husband look like smug entitled members of the Masons or Rotary, so that will have swung it for the Court.
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)


I read about that case the woman, who is partially blind, was sent to prison for three years, unbelievable sentence as the cyclist was on the pavement !   

Michael Rolls

Thank you for the days, the days you gave me