But... he loves me..

Started by Scrumpy, February 02, 2022, 05:04:16 PM

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So many times you read of women, of a certain age, falling for a bloke they have only met on the Internet..
Sometimes they get scammed for thousands..
When the guy tells them that they need money for this and that.. the women pays up because , one day they will marry and live together and be so happy.!!
I know a woman who married a Turkish guy.. went to visit his (loving) family.. signed half her property over to him.. He came to this country to live with her..after a while he left her and wanted a divorce..

Some people are so gullible.. very sad.. She really loved him.. Oh!! yes .. he was much younger than her..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Dogs Rule


I do have a soft spot for you Yogi.. I must confess.. x
But only when you were a bear.. since you had your change op and became a dog.. something is missing..

Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I can be quite gullible and one of the many advantages of having only sufficient to my needs is that it's pointless to scam me, so people don't.. :hmm:


Quote from: Scrumpy on February 02, 2022, 05:41:52 PM
I do have a soft spot for you Yogi.. I must confess.. x
But only when you were a bear.. since you had your change op and became a dog.. something is missing..

That's cos after the 'change op' he became a bitch Scrumpy.. The doggy years are long gone.. :shh:


 :grin: :grin:

I still think it is very sad that some women give everything up for love when , sometimes, they haven't even met the guy..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


i shall continue sending the e-mails then...

Michael Rolls

Thank you for the days, the days you gave me


If anyone's interested in stories of such, check out 'The Tinder Swindler' available on iPlayer now.. :hmm:


How on earth can you fall in love with someone you have never met in person? Never understand how these women are so desperate.


That's the point Jacq, 'desperate'.. For love? companionship? understanding or just a man to talk with, flirt with, meet regularly online but so lonely.. A relationship is an obvious development but the money immediately speaks of a con-man and a liar if you've got your head on straight. It's a sad thing.. and she's 'more to be pitied than censured' as the old music hall song puts it..


We went to The Gambia.  Ok it's not a patch on Goa but it's just a 5 hour flight with no time difference.

It is shocking to see the English pensioners with the young Gambian men.  We were on the plane and an English teacher was sitting next to Paul and her young husband was sitting nearby playing with a Rubicks cube.  She had bought a house in Gambia and his family had moved in to 'look after it' while they were in England.

On our way home a Welsh pensioner was crying like mad because she had left her boyfriend behind and other ladies were trying to console her by saying 'he will soon be joining you'.

I was sitting by myself, near the pool, happily reading with a cuppa next to me and I was approached by a young security guard who looked at me suggestively and asked 'are you alone?'

One evening we went out with another couple and they spotted their local lollipop lady wrapped round a young Gambian.  The wife went running over to her to say hello!


Shelia.. We too went to the Gambia.. Sam played golf there and enjoyed it..
We were escorted on any shopping trip and the guards even came into the shop with us..
When Sam was unable to get to the restaurant and bar one evening because of tummy trouble I went downstairs alone.. A band was playing as I sat therewith a drink.. a man stood before me .. bowed very low and asked if I would care to dance with a man he pointed toward.. The man sat .. surrounded by tough looking guys and when I looked across he nodded politely ... I wonder what he was after.!! He looked incredibly important.

I love your description of he young husband sitting nearby ' Playing with a Rubic Cube.' !!
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


It's perhaps one thing to have a bit of fun, but to  think a young bloke you meet in a poor foreign land actually loves you wrinkles and all for yourself and not for your money, a future Passport and a better life you are sadly delusional. If you are that sad and lonley get a dog, he will love you and be far less trouble.

Theres no fool like an old fool.


Loneliness is awful and most of us can feel lonely at times, even when you have plenty of friends.  But for the life of me I can't understand what these women are thinking when they take on young, poor Africans or Arabs.  Common sense must tell you surely it's the visa they want, not a middle aged or old woman. 
You don't have to worry about me guys, I've got my head on straight  :grin: