
Started by dextrous63, Yesterday at 08:42:37 PM

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I stopped using soap/shampoo a long long while ago.  My skin is better, sweat rashes have disappeared, I don't have dandruff (which ironically I did have when I used head&shoulders) etc.  

Has anyone else done the same?


I've used this lady's lotions and potions for years, Dex.   It's called Handmade Naturals.

Nothing of hers has any nasty chemicals,  and her face cream, and shampoos/conditioners, and body creams are superb.   

This is how she explains about the things most people use everyday of their life,  not realising how harmful they can be.
It's a long and frightening list!


Guess I have skin like an old warthog. Never do anything special. I do use different stuff for hair, shower, car and washing up but suspect they are all interchangeable.


I only use shower's one of the very few items in the bathroom that I own, the other 180 items in there belong to her, the fluffy towels, the makeup brushes, she has more brushes than Michelangelo used to paint that bloody ceiling, lots of chrome phallic  looking instruments, lotions,creams, sprays and bloody candles everywhere.its like the bloody Vatican at Easter when she has a bath.
I have shower gel, a toothbrush, toothpaste, a hair brush, an electric shaver and some underarm smelly..oh and my own towel, her ladyship doesn't want to use the same towel I use to dry my danglies and my arse.
"I am in awe of myself. I never know what I will write next."


I use Wrights Coal Tar for my shower.. A shampoo and Conditioner..
I only use Simple face wash and Simple lotion on my face.. 
I don't use any fancy lotions and creams.. I use any deodorant that I like the smell of..
A bit of eye liner /shadow and lippy.. Less then 2minutes to get ready..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..