Good Morning, Whatcha Up To The Day?

Started by Raven, December 15, 2021, 12:33:18 PM

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My gang coming round later but I'm not doing a 'Sunday'roast, shame on me but it's going to be pizzas and salad  !

Silver Tabby

Hello everyone - I am avoiding April Fools!  That cat tried to catch me out - scoffed his breakfast in record time, showed me the empty dish, and tried to convince me I had not fed him! Going to be a quiet day today - it is pouring with rain (again) so am not venturing out. I have a couple of books to read, and cards to make for June birthdays. Have a happy day


Pulled this off my FB Wall.......So true.


Might be six months or more left - it can still get worse.

Silver Tabby

Hello everyone - had to walk to the Post Office this morning - 1 mile round trip - and that has banjaxed my knees for the rest of the day.  I was surprised to see thick fog everywhere - and car drivers being stupidly too close.  Tea and toast next on the to do list - will take the rest of the day as it unfolds.


Not a lot actually, I'm worried about Dageus he doesn't want to go for his walk, he not coming into the kitchen after me everytime I head there, he's either drinking water or sleeping. He's been very wobbly the last couple of days, having trouble getting up onto his perch on the couch and stumbling getting into the car.  :cry:


Poor Dageus, could it be arthritis ?


Quote from: Alex on April 02, 2024, 01:01:07 PMPoor Dageus, could it be arthritis ?

Don't think so, he's not in any pain, he gets his fish oil capsule every morning and that keeps his joints good. He walks fine just slower, it's jumping up onto or into things he has problems, hoping it's just an off day. Dunc gave him a good going over and he thinks it's just his age, but I fret.

Silver Tabby

Quote from: Raven on April 02, 2024, 12:49:55 PMNot a lot actually, I'm worried about Dageus he doesn't want to go for his walk, he not coming into the kitchen after me everytime I head there, he's either drinking water or sleeping. He's been very wobbly the last couple of days, having trouble getting up onto his perch on the couch and stumbling getting into the car.  :cry:

Poor Dageus - I hope he will be OK, give him a gentle hug from me.

Silver Tabby

Hello everyone - spending the day sorting out some craft stuff for a friend who has a daughter who teaches children with learning disabilities. Her school wants her to teach them some arty stuff - but she has to provide all the materials! Seem a bit unfair to me. Anyway, I have more craft stuff than I will live long enough to use - so will make up some bundles/boxes for her. Should keep me quiet for the day.

Michael Rolls

Give Dageus a hug from me as well - do hope he will be OK - gorgeous doggie!
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]

Silver Tabby

Hello everyone.  Today is going to be a fun day for me due to a lovely surprise which arrived yesterday.  I have won a prize in crafty competition I entered way back in February.  Hadn't heard anything so had forgotten about it.  The prize is a versatile set of nine nesting dies, worth £25 - it is going to be a challenge finding an interesting design for them - but one I shall enjoy.  Have a happy day everyone.

Raven - how is Dageus today?

Silver Tabby

Mondays are housework days here in Tabby Towers.  The laundry goblins are already lurking in the kitchen - will deal with them first, then exercise the Shark and rearrange the dust.  It is raining here - so I won't evict the spiders.  Have some leeks and a head of celery to magic into soup.  Then - I might just have to have another play with my prize dies!

Silver Tabby

Hello everyone. Cold, wet, and miserable here today so, naturally, I am going out! Meeting up with a friend for shopping and lunch. Not sure where we will be going - apart from Iceland. Friend is a born again Slimming World disciple and will be stocking up on their ready meals. Iceland have the franchise and they also give 10% discount to pensioners on Tuesdays. It will be a fun day anyway, just a bit damp around the edges!

Silver Tabby

Hello everyone - gloriously sunny here - but with an evil wind! 
Had an Amazon delivery first thing - 2 DVDs - Franco Zefferelli's beautiful film of Cavalleria Rusticana, mainly filmed out of doors in a village in Sicily, Second one - Tosca, from the Royal Opera House. Have already prepared vegs and Chicken Kiev for tonights dinner - so - I can watch in peace whilst cuddling a cat - he likes music!