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General Discussion / Is Lucy Letby Guilty - or no...
Last post by Mups - Today at 12:03:52 AM
I wonder what the outcome of all this 'new evidence'  will be?

We can't really say much because none of her know her, worked with her, or was in court that day..
All the general public know is what journalists decide to tell us.

I read in today's paper that another prisoner says - "She is really odd,  very weird.  She doesn't come across as sympathetic."

Then it goes on to say - "she is unable to walk the corridors of the jail alone, for her own safety and she has to be accompanied by a guard everywhere".   
An inmate also said she is is pals with that evil Beinash Batool,  the one who helped murder that lovely little Sara Sharif recently.

Having said all this,  the report also says that now a lot of prisoners watched the press conference on Tuesday,  70% of inmates have now changed their minds and think she has been made a massive scapegoat.

Time will tell . .
General Discussion / Gino D'Acampo in trouble
Last post by Mups - Yesterday at 11:40:42 PM
Looks like this is the next man in trouble for being crude to women now.

I have no idea if these women are telling the truth or not,  but for the life of me I cannot understand why anyone would stay with a boss who is allegedly so 'disgusting,  aggressive, and appalling.'

One woman said she worked with him for 5 yrs too.   
I must say,  if I was truly afraid of my boss,  or didn't trust him,  or he was a lewd old man,  no way would I stay with him for 5 yrs.  Would you?

These women are saying that after seeing all about the cook Greg Wallace, being in trouble recently,  they also, decided to come forward.

I say 'Why?'    Why wait for 5 years?    It's not as if they were small children frightened to tell anyone before, is it.

The last I heard on the news tonight,  is 40 women have come forward now.

Don't courts need evidence,  proof of crime?  Can they really prosecute someone through only verbal evidence?

The Chat Room / Re: Lets write a Limerick, one...
Last post by Mups - Yesterday at 11:19:14 PM
Of late Elsie was feeling the cold
Eric said it was because she was old
The Chat Room / Re: Lets write a Limerick, one...
Last post by Ruthio - Yesterday at 10:01:35 PM
Fred said 'It's too cold to go far today'
I'll be staying in bed with my neighbour Kay
She feisty and fun!
And when all said and done
It's much more fun to stay in and play
The Chat Room / Re: Lets write a Limerick, one...
Last post by Alex - Yesterday at 09:17:47 PM
Fred said 'It's too cold to go far today'
I'll be staying in bed with my neighbour Kay
She feisty and fun!
And when all said and done
The Chat Room / Re: The boring thread.....
Last post by Alex - Yesterday at 09:15:10 PM
Love a happy ending !  :smiley:
General Discussion / Re: Trump & Musk
Last post by JBR - Yesterday at 07:45:46 PM
Quote from: klondike on Yesterday at 07:08:47 PMSir Isaac Newton is thought to have suffered from Aspergers. It certainly doesn't preclude being a genius which I imagine Musk must be to have achieved what he has.
Aspergers or not, I really don't care. 
The one thing I admire about Trump is that he, despite his critics, will fight to defend his country.  He is now actively removing any people, apparently largely Mexicans, who have entered America illegally.  If only we had a PM like him.  At present, I see only one man who could and would do the same: Nigel Farage.
Unfortunately, it sounds like he too has many detractors.  I sincerely hope that enough people see sense in 2029 (or hopefully earlier) to ensure he becomes our next leader.
General Discussion / Re: Trump & Musk
Last post by klondike - Yesterday at 07:08:47 PM
Quote from: Cassandra on Yesterday at 06:06:46 PMAlways remember Musk has been an identified Aspergers Syndrome (autism) candidate since the age of ten and his idiosyncratic behaviour is typical therein.
Sir Isaac Newton is thought to have suffered from Aspergers. It certainly doesn't preclude being a genius which I imagine Musk must be to have achieved what he has.
General Discussion / Re: Trump & Musk
Last post by muddy - Yesterday at 06:52:53 PM
Quote from: Ruthio on Yesterday at 03:05:44 PMDid anyone watch the TV documentary about him last night on Channel 4?
I'm going to watch it later this evening

I am half way through it .
Musk is an extraordinary  man and so in his way is Trump .
I wonder how it will pan out .
Can't be worse than the last lot .
The Chat Room / Re: The boring thread.....
Last post by Ruthio - Yesterday at 06:52:25 PM
QuoteI cried all the way home when I handed the little cutie over to the new owner.
Ya big softie!! 🤣🤣