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General Discussion / Re: Chris Kaba
Last post by JBR - Today at 11:41:32 AM
I sometimes wonder whether some Home Office leaders, politicians, even judges - all the sort of people who benefit from continuous personal protection - are effectively doing their best to encourage dangerous criminals.
Letting many prisoners to 'serve their sentences at home' is also very much a foolish precedent.

I can see such changes leading, before too much longer, to a serious expansion of serious criminal activities in this country, certainly in inner cities.  The naivety of these people who are supposed to be in charge of law and order will, I think, lead to an inevitable increase in the number of places which are known to be dangerous.
General Discussion / Re: Prisoners
Last post by Mups - Today at 11:40:36 AM
JBR,  I saw this in Sunday's paper.   He is supposed to be letting another 1,100 criminals out this week.  
If only it was HIS house that got burgled, or his family getting mugged in the street or threatened with machetes  etc  it might make him think again!

Trouble is,  with the high and mighty, they have body guards and security,  so the decisions they make never affect their own lives,  only ours.

So these prisoners are going to be at home now, are they?  How cosy.  Home for Christmas. 
That's really nice of him, they will no doubt thank him profusely when their criminal mates call round to plan the next job,  or they have somewhere nice to stash their latest shop lifting hoard.

I have not heard him saying where he is building any new prisons,  have you?   All that man ever does is whine about what the Tories did.

Same as things like petrol prices, food prices, gas/electric prices,   it doesn't affect the posh nobs at all.   Pity we can't claim expenses for all the things they claim for.   I wouldn't mind price increases so much then.

The Chat Room / Re: The boring thread.....
Last post by Alex - Today at 11:34:30 AM
Sunny here too, I've got towels on the line.
General Discussion / Re: Chris Kaba
Last post by Alex - Today at 11:24:30 AM
It wasn't even a random stop and search, the car had been identified as used in a nightclub shooting days before.
The CPS must have been aware of his violent past, including recent shootings, yet they still decided to prosecute the officer  :rolleyes: 

The officer's barrister had argued "bad character" evidence relating to Kaba should be put before the jury in the murder case, but the application was refused by the judge because it wasn't deemed relevant to the issues in the case !!!!

I just do not understand this.
General Discussion / Re: Wordle
Last post by JBR - Today at 10:55:05 AM
Wordle 1,221 3/6

The Chat Room / Re: Lets write a Limerick, one...
Last post by GrannyMac - Today at 10:54:02 AM
There once was a farmer from Leeds
A kind man, always doing good deeds
An occasional leek, a spud or two
A bit of manure on flowers that grew
He was also known for spreading his seed 😲


For the yearly village vegetable show
George had grown a huge marrow

General Discussion / Prisoners
Last post by JBR - Today at 10:41:52 AM
Starmers latest bright idea.  Prisoners will be released from jail and will "serve their sentences at home"!

Yes, it has been mentioned before, but now it is going to happen.  His idea has crossed his feeble mind because prisons are now overcrowded.  So the logic is that these prisoners will simply be sent home.  I heard nothing about how anyone is going to watch to see whether they 'escape' from home in order to, for example, do a quick bank job.

It never seems to have crossed his mind that we can alternatively build more jails or, even better, make them sleep six to a cell.  Not only more space for more criminals, but crowded together in a cell would be more of a deterrent.
General Discussion / Re: Chris Kaba
Last post by muddy - Today at 10:16:51 AM
The Chat Room / Re: Things that pee you off..
Last post by klondike - Today at 10:10:51 AM
Wireless boiler thermostat not working. Clock keeps stopping. New batteries - same. Tried some PTFE spray - better but still stops randomly. Discontinued only used spares available. Decide to take back off clock unit to see if it any muck cany be air blasted out....

Seems like it isn't meant to come to bits. Just expolded when the back came off and I have no clue what fits where or even if it would work if I could put it back together.

There are modern replacements but to fit the receiver the boiler casing has to come off  and that is supposed to only be done by registered gas fitters plus it seems there could be compatibility problems too.

Ordered a used one off eBay. It looks pretty smoke stained so may just swap over the clock units.

£135 ouch but cheaper that getting somebody in to fit a new one (they cost about £180 from Toolstation or Screwfix but may need something extra to make them work.

Discontinuing spare parts is a pain.
General Discussion / Re: Chris Kaba
Last post by Scrumpy - Today at 10:00:05 AM
Quote from: klondike on Today at 09:56:22 AMThe death I'm more concerned about is the 61 year old grandfather protesting in Rotherham jailed for rioting despite committing no violent crime who died in prison.
That news will be swept under the carpet.. 
BLM will see to that...