Common sense on gender

Started by Michael Rolls, February 24, 2022, 04:23:13 AM

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Michael Rolls

an attempt by SNP ministers to 'redefine the meaning of women' to include people born male has been ruled unlawful by Scottish courts. The Edinburgh Court of Session found that the Scottish government had gone beyond its devolved powers by legislating that transgender women should count as men in law - well done!
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Good. That would have been a step too far IMO.
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖

Michael Rolls

Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


My opinion as well, so fed up with this stupid gender nonsense. :nooo:


Not sure what the fuss is about. If you have your meat and two veg, you are a bloke, if you don't ,you aren't. If you have meat and two veg and 'identify' as a girl, either do something about it , or keep quiet.
The problem with being retired is that you never get a day off

Michael Rolls

sadly, for the woke brigade, that's discriminatory - idiots
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


The problem is that going through puberty as a male produces irreversible body change that castration does not reverse. Removing a womb doesn't turn a woman into a man and removing male genetalia doesn't turn a man into a woman.

The biggest problem IMO is in sport where transgender males to females have an unfair advantage. It they wish to continue to compete it should be under a label other than man or woman because they are neither.

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?

Michael Rolls

Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


As well as men's and women's 100 meters, they could have an undecided race.
The problem with being retired is that you never get a day off


Quote from: Raven on February 24, 2022, 08:23:15 AM
My opinion as well, so fed up with this stupid gender nonsense. :nooo:

So am I and my grandchildren agree with me.


i remember when all this started... it was Billie-Jean King demanding that women tennis players should be paid the same as men... it was pointed out to her that she could enter the mens tournament...
now dont missunderstand my feelings on this, a job has a vallue and gender should not come in to it.
but can i point out that at school we were taught there are three genders :?: :?: :?:  and if strength is not involved all three should be equall.. IMO


Quote from: crabbyob on February 24, 2022, 12:13:22 PM
i remember when all this started... it was Billie-Jean King demanding that women tennis players should be paid the same as men... it was pointed out to her that she could enter the mens tournament...
now dont missunderstand my feelings on this, a job has a vallue and gender should not come in to it.
but can i point out that at school we were taught there are three genders :?: :?: :?:  and if strength is not involved all three should be equall.. IMO

Three genders :?: :?: :?:  I was taught there was two :waiting: :?: :?: :?:


Is crabbyob taking the coconuts  ?   :grin:
There are only 2 genders fgs ! although I do vaguely remember the nuns trying to explain hermaphrodite to us  :cool:  What I don't understand is why people keep voting for the SNP, it's not the first crackpot bit of legislation they've come out with.   :rolleyes:


Bit away from gender.   We here in Wales have just had a leaflet sent to each house telling us we can't smack children anymore.  I am not talking child abuse here, nobody wants that, just ordinary parents trying to instil some disipline into their children. My friend up the road who has two boys told me in conversation that she gave her teenage son a slap the other day, he said he would get onto Childline, "here is the phone" she said.  I fear Wales' prisons will be filled with parent's who have given their child a slap and real crime will go undetected.  There was no knife crime or trouble in our schools we had the spector of the cane from the headmaster/headmistress, and Sister Paul who would wack you with her ruler for the most minor of "crimes".


That made me smile, a lady after my own heart. Nothing wrong with a slap if needed. Even the animal kingdom does it.  :check: