storm eunice,

Started by alfred, February 20, 2022, 08:00:30 AM

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Unfortunately,  i like others have lost a fence,  my next door neighbour has lost three,  my son has lost one fence and so it goes on,

and of course trying to get replacements wont at first be easy as im sure the amount of people needing fence replacements is growing whilst these high winds are around,

my next thought of flooding i hope not too many people have suffered
as on the T.V. news sadly some people have lost their lives as a result of
falling tree's   and there's of course insurance claims , which will grow into a mountain as again people will have to claim for repairs and replacements , as the wind damage has increased many claims,

Q; are you lucky enough to have  escaped from some of the problems mentioned above if so then good luck to you ,

Michael Rolls

fingers firmly crossed!
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Feeling very sorry, for those who have suffered.   :shocked: :worried:
Thankfully. We haven't had any problems, locally...
As you slide down the banister of life.
May the splinters never point in the wrong direction.


Fence blown down.. bordering my garden.. I hate to say it but I am pleased that it is the responsibility of neighbour.. :clap:
A friend had one of his bedroom windows taken out.. It was a window that he wasn't able to open for some time.. Sorted.
So many old beautiful trees taken down.. sad to see..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Got away very lightly here. The price of wood was already sky high so replacing fence panels won't come cheap. I don't recall ever claiming for any on insurance so don't know if they are usually covered. My boundaries are now all brick walls.

Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


I don't have insurance for fencing etc... I spend pounds and pounds on insurance already..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..

Flying Bomb

I do wonder how many are covered for injury if
a neighbour or passer by is injured if your fence is blown onto them.
Or worse still, if a tile comes off your roof and kills them !


... and that is why I am staying  in..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


As I posted in the first thread about the storm, we wouldn't have been aware of any storms if it wasn't for watching the TV news.

We live in the Trent Valley area & the power stations create what's known as a reverse vortex whereby the circular cooling towers cause any strong winds to blow round them, reversing the direction of the wind so that it then blows it back into the path of the oncoming wind & cancels it out.

The effect is like being in the centre of a tornado where there isn't any wind.

This, & no to minimal flood risk, is why we chose to live where we live.
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


Franklyn seems to have arrived here. It's absolutely lashing it down at the moment. Very happy that I live on top of several hills so unlikely to be troubled by any flooding.. Looking out of the window, it's all darkness but I do see street lights..


I see The Mersey is very high in South Manchester and some people may have to leave their homes.  That would be awful.


Pennine run-off I suppose.. A horrible thought on such an evening. If I were a praying man I'd chuck a few up.