
Started by Scrumpy, February 14, 2022, 10:41:07 AM

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Quote from: Michael Rolls on February 25, 2022, 06:01:50 PM
Why should the UK be expected to 'lead the way' in housing refugees from the Ukraine? A number of countries nearer to that unhappy county are all less crowded than the UK. Comparative population densities, expressed in persons per square mile are
UK 701.1
Germany 600.9
France 300.4
Hungary 271.9
Czech Republic 352.2
Austria  274.5
Italy  521.4
Spain  243.5
To be fair, Belgium and the Netherlands, at 973.8 and 1095.8, are even more crowded than the UK – but given those other numbers, why should we be expected to 'lead the way'

This is interesting reading Mike, what was the source ?

Michael Rolls

Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


some of our members can associate with those kids in the subway
what makes us better than a lot of other nations is empathy
certainly some parts are crowded but i am sure the Ukrainian contingent who might be fourth or fifth generation Brits will be offering a helping hand... followed by others...


If they arrive here, I hope they've got family to come to as hotels are full of dinghy people.  Council house accommodation is zero  (allegedly) and private rental is an astronomical price.   Will they have to get in line behind the Afghans who are still waiting for a home ? not forgetting the Hong Kong arrivals.



I am very sad for these people..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Scrumpy on February 26, 2022, 08:28:53 AM

I am very sad for these people.. However..
I don't remember British people leaving the country when they had wars.. Families were evacuated to different parts of their own country when bombs rained down on the cities..
Why is it necessary for others to leave their country .!! 
So, why has it all changed..!!  War is war.. whatever decade it shows it's ugly head..

Apparently when people have been trying to cross the border to get out, men of a fighting age have been turned back and told to fight for their country.  Shame some of these middle eastern countries didn't do the same.

The Ukranians seem to be holding their own at the moment, although Putin has the kitchen sink to throw at them they are tough people and no pushover.  Will Vlad the Invader think again when he dosen't achieve his objectives? I doubt it mad dogs never do, shame somebody close can't put a bullet in his head.


I doubt anyone could get near to him to put a bullet anywhere.. It would have to be an inside job..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..

Flying Bomb

The Ukranians is more motivated than a Russian soldier.
They are fighting for their life and country, the Russian just for his wages.
Putin will be getting nervous as the advance slows.
Great to see World wide demos against Russia too.


I saw a clip of people crossing into Poland and Romania, mostly women and  children.  The men had stayed home to fight for their country, it's a shame the dinghy boys didn't do the same !


its a shame any of them/us have to...


Quote from: Alex on February 26, 2022, 03:40:01 PM
I saw a clip of people crossing into Poland and Romania, mostly women and  children.  The men had stayed home to fight for their country, it's a shame the dinghy boys didn't do the same !

A thoughtless statement from me really, as majority of the dinghy boys aren't fleeing wars, they just want what the west has.


TV has a lot to answer for..


I rarely watch TV crabbyob


its ok Alex im not a licence inspector... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


You sure  ?   :cool: :cool: :cool:
Be fair though crabbyob, the Ukrainians leaving their country will be seeking safety until they can go back home, whereas most of the young men arriving by boat don't intend to go back to a land that wasn't a war zone in the first place.  I didn't form that opinion just from telly  :hmm: