
Started by JBR, Yesterday at 05:54:13 PM

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I hadn't heard of 'Meta' until my wife, just now, informed me of a problem she has had using Facebook.

She is a member of a choir, quite professional in ability and quality, and had attempted to use Facebook to promote a forthcoming concert.  On this occasion, the performance will include some religious songs and therein seems to lie the problem.  It seems that 'Meta' (previously Facebook) has cancelled her attempted concert promotion on the grounds that it is 'religious', although my wife insists that although it includes some religious music, it does not in any way promote any religious organisation and in addition the concert is not a money-making event, if anything it partially covers some costs.

She has now overcome this restriction by simply informing all her friends and contacts of this forthcoming concert, and they in turn have done the same to all of their contacts, so the problem of advertising it has been overcome.  Ways and means!

'Meta', it appears, is now an American organisation owned by Mark Zuckerberg.

Numquam credere Gallicum


It's been Meta for quite a while now .