Water rates changing

Started by klondike, January 31, 2025, 10:26:16 AM

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It seems than Anglian water are changing my water rates. The letter says it's a trial for those on meters and the Northampton area has been added to the trial.

There will be a fixed annual charge of £52.25 which that say is unchanged but I never knew there was a standing charge with water.

1 May to 31 August £3.9698 per cubic meter
Rest of year              £2.6882 per cubic meter

They say it means I'll pay a bit less which I rather doubt.


A bit less than the Schweppes factory.


Just checked my last bill dated October 2024

They have a rather odd opinion of what is cheaper.

On that bill there is a day charge and cost per cubic meter shown
Cost per day 10.13p = £36.97pa
£2.0954 per cubic meter   

So that appears to be a £15.28p or 41% increase in standing charge and 59.28p or 28.29% increase in the lowest cost per cubic meter and a lot more for the 4 summer months.


Quote from: klondike on January 31, 2025, 10:26:16 AMIt seems than Anglian water are changing my water rates. The letter says it's a trial for those on meters and the Northampton area has been added to the trial.

There will be a fixed annual charge of £52.25 which that say is unchanged but I never knew there was a standing charge with water.

1 May to 31 August £3.9698 per cubic meter
Rest of year              £2.6882 per cubic meter

They say it means I'll pay a bit less which I rather doubt.

Klondike,  when you say 'Northampton Area,'    do you mean only Northmapton,  or do you mean Northamptonshire?

I've not had any notifications that I can remember?   When was this?


I got  the letter a couple of days back. It just says "We're extending our Seasonal Smart Tariff  trial into new areas, including Northampton."

I also misread it - that £2.6882 per cubic meter is apparently the standard tariff next year. Mine on this scheme will be £1.9998 per cubic meter on the cheaper months so slightly less than this year but with a bigger standing charge.  I'll work it out later as I'm getting ready for fishing.

The average tariff on the trial is £2.6565 pr month which is where their "cheaper" comes from at around £0.03p per cubic meter cheaper but only it you use no more water over the 4 summer months which seems unlikely to me. Its also an average boost of 26% over last year's rate. So it looks like we'll both be getting a close to 30% increase in our water rates next year.


Thanks for that, Klondike.    That seems a big increase doesn't it.  
I haven't had any notification so far,  so will have to wait and see.


I haven't received any notification either, I'm still waiting to see by how much the council tax will rise


Might only be here but regardless of the change of tariff the numbers given show that there is a big increase coming for everyone in the Anglian Water area and I suspect all the other too but by varying amounts.