New Law For Dogs.

Started by Raven, January 24, 2025, 10:57:09 AM

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What a difference the cropped ears make to their looks, Cassandra. 
Are they still allowed to do that in America, or was that taken a long time ago?

It was banned here in 2006 here,  and tail cropping in 2007, I believe.
Although some disreputable breeders were having the whole litter cropped over in Ireland,  and then bringing the pups back here and nothing could be done about it.   
I think Ireland has finally made it illegal now too though,  and they would be prosecuted now.

Unfortunately shock collars, and 'pronged' collars are still legal though.  Evil things.
They were supposed to have banned shock collars last year,  but still haven't for some reason! :sad:

How are you feeling now?  Hope you are feeling stronger now,  and much better again. 


Michael Rolls

what lovely pictures of such lovely friends!
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Thanks Mike, he was a lovely old chap and the Revenue even let me claim for him as tax deductable! I had a Reliant Scimitar at the time and with the back seat down he could stretch diagonally from the tailgate to the back of the front passenger seat without stretching, more on the proportions of a great dane. He hardly ever barked and once let two young painters into the cottage we then had. They eventually worked their ways round to the phone and rung me as he wouldn't let them out! My wife all 5'2" of her, left her shop and went round to relieve their imprisonment. Suitably admonished, this huge creature hung his head in abject shame and slunk off to his blanket! After that they could come and go as they pleased and used to take him for a walk at lunchtimes. He was as handome and upright as his photo until the day he died.
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...


Quote from: Mups on January 31, 2025, 11:00:10 PMWhat a difference the cropped ears make to their looks, Cassandra. 
Are they still allowed to do that in America, or was that taken a long time ago?

It was banned here in 2006 here,  and tail cropping in 2007, I believe.
Although some disreputable breeders were having the whole litter cropped over in Ireland,  and then bringing the pups back here and nothing could be done about it.   
I think Ireland has finally made it illegal now too though,  and they would be prosecuted now.

Unfortunately shock collars, and 'pronged' collars are still legal though.  Evil things.
They were supposed to have banned shock collars last year,  but still haven't for some reason! :sad:

How are you feeling now?  Hope you are feeling stronger now,  and much better again.

Hello Mups good afternoon, he was born in Kimberley S.A. and sold as a pup to a man from Persia who trained dogs for the South African Diamond Mines. These dogs patrolled in packs and unccompanied, tracking the ungodly who attemped burrowing down into the passageways to pocket the sparklers they came across. They only had to strike lucky once, or unlucky by the same odds if they ran into one of these trained killer packs. Selected for his sheer size, they wired his ears and docked his tail to increase the sheer impact of terror his likeness inflicted.

Here in the home of the free, they still carry out 'tail docking' on poor little pups aged 3-5 days in most States! Likewise for Ear cropping and wiring. The banning of these cosmetic acts is about the only thing I agree with the democrats over by the way.

Anyway three of my ex clients from similar 'specialised' criminal backgrounds severally purchased 'Bruno' for me in 1978 following my assault, as protection. I went to a beautiful estate near Virgina Water in Surrey one cold 'afternoon' for a handover. He ran through hoops of fire and over ditchs blazing with napalm along three inch wide planking to get to me - amazing obedience. He always put himself in between danger and my person and would doubtlessly have died for me, but he was not, despite his awesome appearance a free will pro-active killer by nature.

Once in his company I was screamed at during an afternoon appointment in chambers by a particularly wild and arrogant drug dealer, well known for beating up women and generally disfiguring them. As he headed towards me, I shouted back 'stop if you want to see another day'. Bruno had been quietly sleeping under my desk unseen by the aggressor. On command he just sat up stretched and surveyed the elevated vexater, with his slightly crossed, deep black eyes. He was that tall, I couldn't see my 'client' over the top of those fearsome ears. All he did was growl and bare those amazing fangs! "You think your very clever behind him don't you" my wanna be client suggested, as he sat down rather quickly. His solicitor, a fast witted little cockney from Dalston responded ~ "Cos he is cock and if you knew who bought im the Bozo chewer, you'd be even more than impressed ~ I can tell you".

He always responded perfectly to every command, which in itself added to the implcation of the assassin that he in fact probably wasn't. That said, as his trainer later commented upon needing my services a few years later."You know he would'nt go for me, but I reckon today he would for you". I agreed, you see until my wife and I came into his life, he very likely considered that those who'd brualised him weren't worth the effort of pleasing? Alternatively those he'd learnt to love and respect were. A very shrewd and intelligent animal - I hope we meet again some time Bruno?

Thank you also for inquiring about my condition. I'm still not quite right, my cognition can be ephemeral at times. I don't ride any more now - because the little buggie carriage is so enjoyable and Darya is always by my side these days, just in case. The Doctor is very happy with progress too and at least the heart is strong. My mother had three TIA's before passing on at 94, but she had stents and a bypass in her 70's. The medics all concur I had just been overdoing it since my Stateside emancipation and these days I do rest a great deal more - thank you again.
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...


Thank you for your reply, Cassandra, and explaining more about Bruno.  
I can see you thought the world of him.

Did you see my German Shepherd pics earlier in this thread?   All of those would have looked after me if the need ever rose,  because we had such a strong bond,   so I understand how comforting it feels to know you are always safe.

There is a lot of difference to me, in a dog made agressive by training,  and a dog who will stand by you and protect you out of love.

I'm afraid I don't agree with cutting their tails and ears off purely for looks, not medical reasons though.   Those poor pups.    I have read it is often done with no pain killers too.   It must bleed profusely, surely?    
How can anyone to that to a pup just a few days old.

When you think of it,  some poor dogs have their ears cut, their tails cut, often their dew claws cut off, and then their male bits as well!    How would a man like all that done at a week old?


It breaks my heart to think of it. My first little Yorkie had hers cut off when she was just 3 days old apparently, how awful. I later asked her breeder why was this was done, I thought they had been bred that way. Apparently going back into the Yorkie's rich history they worked in cotton mills catching mice at 6d a go. Living a peripatetic lifestyle with their owner trainers who mainly were very kind to them. However they started getting their tails caught in the machinery leading to some very distressing deaths. Therefore they were docked to save their lives. Doberman and Boxers were at some times in their development fighting dogs Bulldogs too. So being tailess cut out an advantage for grabbing by their opponents in battle. To continue such spiteful practices many decades after these events finished still seemed cruel to me for the sake by then of 'fashion' and I'm glad at least the UK refrained. The States though still prevail in about 42 out of the 50. As an owner its done at such a tiny age that they don't notice we're told, no anasthetics either because their too young. Some folk who order pups in advance of birth do insist on the practice being witheld from their babies thank goodness! I can't imagine how we'd fare if someone chopped out little fingers off, 72 hours into life!

To have had Bruno's ears 'de-wired' would have caused him great pain and at the wrong time of his life. They were in fact not rigid wiring like a coathanger but flexible like thin electric cables and more of an 'aid' than a 'frame'. He never seemed to mind. I love German Shepherds and we had one after Bruno (re-home) died, named Cooper. He was a 6 year old, ex RAF dog and we had four very happy years with him, although his hips went when he was nine. I think one of the most handsome of dogs and yours confirms it. My cousin who is a very 'off the wall' reverend, says one day all our dogs and cats will be waiting for us to join them and they'll come charging across the fields to greet us.

I'd like that, but I'd need a very big place to live in!

February 01, 2025, 09:44:19 PM
Quote from: muddy on January 26, 2025, 02:40:18 PMBeautiful photos Mups 🙂

Hear hear, we have all been lucky, even if their passing recalls such bitter sweet sorrow.
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...


As you say Cass,  the dogs that were cut about for so-called 'safety' reasons,  was long ago,  so what is the breeders excuse nowadays?

Prospective owners need educating too.   If they looked at a litter with health and good breeding in mind instead of a fashion accessory,  things would soon change.   

 If people refused a pup that had been mutilated in this way,  the breeders would stop overnight because else they would be stuck with an unsaleable litter, and never get their money,  which is all most of them are interested in.

The last I knew,  over here, the only dogs that were allowed to be tail docked were working Cocker Spaniels,  and even then the owner has to have a licence to show the Vet to prove it is a working dog first. 
 It is also illegal for the breeder to do it,  a Vet has to do it.

Lastly,  I love the idea that your cousin suggested, about our dogs all waiting for us when our time comes.
That would be like a dream, I imagine.

Keep well, Cassandra,  and give those donkeys a hug from me.  x


Quote from: Mups on February 01, 2025, 10:23:23 PMAs you say Cass,  the dogs that were cut about for so-called 'safety' reasons,  was long ago,  so what is the breeders excuse nowadays?

Prospective owners need educating too.  If they looked at a litter with health and good breeding in mind instead of a fashion accessory,  things would soon change. 

 If people refused a pup that had been mutilated in this way,  the breeders would stop overnight because else they would be stuck with an unsaleable litter, and never get their money,  which is all most of them are interested in.

The last I knew,  over here, the only dogs that were allowed to be tail docked were working Cocker Spaniels,  and even then the owner has to have a licence to show the Vet to prove it is a working dog first. 
 It is also illegal for the breeder to do it,  a Vet has to do it.

Lastly,  I love the idea that your cousin suggested, about our dogs all waiting for us when our time comes.
That would be like a dream, I imagine.

Keep well, Cassandra,  and give those donkeys a hug from me.  x

Will do, Hee has had a wee snuffle for the past few days, so the vet came yesterday and he had a little injection (like a dog's booster). Only a minor cold apparently. I'm always amazed at how clean they keep themselves, although that said they both have adoring ladies who come to groom them every week. In fact there's quite a competition going on at the moment between them I think? I very often go down to the stables and sit with them, whilst reading the Kindle, or watchind 'catch up' on the TV down there. They come and lie down around me, super intelligent creatures.

Sadly an old 'larger than life' friend passed last week and I was paricularly saddenned by the news. They definitely empathised and when a donkey looks you in the eyes and nudges you, they definitely connect and are as good as dogs for picking up our moods. Its cold here -1c at present so we retain the snowfall.
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...


Brrrr . . . .  That looks very cold, Cass.

I've enjoyed our chat, thank you.
 Keep warm and well.   


I have had two full Dobermans in my life .
They were lovely dogs easy going and kind .
Gabi a female was my best friend I still feel sad when I think of her gone these many years 

I also has a cross Labrador / Doberman a wonderful cross ,


Great photo, looks beautiful !