How will you spend yours?

Started by klondike, November 28, 2024, 11:24:25 PM

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This bloke reckons we may get that winter fuel allowance after all

Does sound possible but I'm far from holding my breath 


Labour needs the unions so this won't go down well, hope it happens.


The problem with being retired is that you never get a day off


Joke or not, that's the kind of quote that pixxed off Labour !   :rolleyes:
If we get it, I'd leave it in my current account as before, so will indirectly go towards my energy bills.


I can't pretend I need it to keep warm although I certainly wear thicker clothes indoors now and don't heat all of the house since the price hikes. The thing is I never regarded it as a benefit. I just took it as part of the pension package same as free prescriptions and a bus pass plus I would  have been getting the free TV licence soon (75?). Are they going to be means tested too later? I paid in for that pension over a working lifetime with never a break.


SNP have returned the WFP, decent of them I thought. I believe it's to be partially means tested though.
The ones on Pension Credit will get the usual amount and the richer ones will get 100 pounds.
I agree with that.


That seems a better way of doing it Raven, those of us who are above the Pension Credit threshold, but certainly not well off, could be given a lower sum, but I imagine in England that would be too difficult to organise.


Probably cost more to make the changes to the IT system than paying it as it was for the next 10 years.


Why would it be so difficult it's all done by computor isn't it ? 


It's a government computer. Everything about IT seems to be impossible on government computers without huge delays and monster payouts to some company or other to produce anything at all. Every minor change costs extra money.

Sadly computer and magic are not the same sciences. The government is incapable of doing either for itself apart from using the famous magic money tree.


You're right of course klondike.  I think they should amalgamate the tax and benefits systems.  Benefits are calculated per household, tax per individual.  The worst example, IMO, is Child Benefit.  A couple can earn £45k each and still get the full amount, but a single parent earning £80k gets nowt.  They also pay more tax, as they only have one personal allowance, etc.
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Quote from: Raven on November 29, 2024, 10:51:03 AMSNP have returned the WFP, decent of them I thought. I believe it's to be partially means tested though.
The ones on Pension Credit will get the usual amount and the richer ones will get 100 pounds.
I agree with that.
You Scots always seem to get more out of the government than we English.

I'm going to start a petition for Yorkshire independence, and I expect us to get the same benefits as the Scots!
Numquam credere Gallicum


The Scots do pay more income tax. Just saying...


I'm a member of Unite & we've applied to the High Court for a Judicial Review.
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


In the past we have always given our WFA to the Salvation Army who do wonderful work for the homeless .
No celestial brownie points for this as it wasn't our money so to speak .