
Started by JBR, Today at 10:41:52 AM

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Starmers latest bright idea.  Prisoners will be released from jail and will "serve their sentences at home"!

Yes, it has been mentioned before, but now it is going to happen.  His idea has crossed his feeble mind because prisons are now overcrowded.  So the logic is that these prisoners will simply be sent home.  I heard nothing about how anyone is going to watch to see whether they 'escape' from home in order to, for example, do a quick bank job.

It never seems to have crossed his mind that we can alternatively build more jails or, even better, make them sleep six to a cell.  Not only more space for more criminals, but crowded together in a cell would be more of a deterrent.
Numquam credere Gallicum


JBR,  I saw this in Sunday's paper.   He is supposed to be letting another 1,100 criminals out this week.  
If only it was HIS house that got burgled, or his family getting mugged in the street or threatened with machetes  etc  it might make him think again!

Trouble is,  with the high and mighty, they have body guards and security,  so the decisions they make never affect their own lives,  only ours.

So these prisoners are going to be at home now, are they?  How cosy.  Home for Christmas. 
That's really nice of him, they will no doubt thank him profusely when their criminal mates call round to plan the next job,  or they have somewhere nice to stash their latest shop lifting hoard.

I have not heard him saying where he is building any new prisons,  have you?   All that man ever does is whine about what the Tories did.

Same as things like petrol prices, food prices, gas/electric prices,   it doesn't affect the posh nobs at all.   Pity we can't claim expenses for all the things they claim for.   I wouldn't mind price increases so much then.


Most prisoners have been released on licence after serving half their sentence for a few years now, this means they will serve less than half. I don't know how this compares with treatment in other countries but my completely uneducated opinion is that our sentences are on the high side in general but lenient in the most serious cases.


Ball and chain would inhibit  further criminal tendencies 


Yes, unfortunately whatever mindset got them inside, is still with them and probably amplified when released.


Quote from: Mups on Today at 11:40:36 AMSo these prisoners are going to be at home now, are they?  How cosy.  Home for Christmas.

 'Home for Christmas'!!

They can nick a motor and all pop up the West End and do a bit of  Christmas shopping....
Lifting a few phones on the way..
They won't stay (indoors).. Rules are not for them..
In the meantime they can claim some benefits to help keep up their lifestyle..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


We need some one to invent an electric ankle strap that administers a painful electric shock everytime they move 10 metres from the house 


That's called "Arthritis", Muddy.


Quote from: Scrumpy on Today at 12:43:12 PM'Home for Christmas'!!

They can nick a motor and all pop up the West End and do a bit of  Christmas shopping....
Lifting a few phones on the way..
They won't stay (indoors).. Rules are not for them..
In the meantime they can claim some benefits to help keep up their lifestyle..

Perhaps even get the Winter Fuel Payment if they're lucky. 
I'm sure they could check it out on one of their many mobiles.