Storm safety

Started by Mups, September 22, 2024, 10:16:41 PM

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When I was a kid and a storm was raging,  I remember my Mum used to go round turning any mirrors around to face the wall, and unplug the telly.

I don't do the mirrors,  but I do unplug my landline,  computer, and tv  in a storm.

Is this silly,  or wise, do you think?

What do others do to try and stay safe in thunderstorms?


I stand naked on top of the roof and act as a lightning rod.


Quote from: dextrous63 on September 22, 2024, 10:19:37 PMI stand naked on top of the roof and act as a lightning rod.

I shall get my hosepipe out if I see you.   :grin:


Honestly, Mups, I don't take any precautions during a thunderstorm other than seek shelter if I'm outside.

There are actual advisory things one is meant to do, but I can't remember what they are.🤭


Quote from: dextrous63 on September 22, 2024, 10:28:20 PMHonestly, Mups, I don't take any precautions during a thunderstorm other than seek shelter if I'm outside.

There are actual advisory things one is meant to do, but I can't remember what they are.🤭

Ooer,  I just had a look, and the British Red Cross say to stay indoors, but stay away from windows and don't use the landline unless its an emergency. 


I'd imagine that applies only to handsets which are connected to base units via a flex, like the good old days.  


Drivel and fear rattling all of it, designed to make the masses believe that Ed Millipedes coming wall of expense for his Green Rubbish is terribly necessary!
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...


My mum would take all her metal curlers out.. She would never go near a window or do any washing up if there was cutlery in the water..

I suppose this has instilled in me that there are 'dangers' during storms..
I will not take a shower or bath.. stand under a tree.. or do any washing up..
I do not like storms..
When in Australia we had a big storm.. no rain just lightning and thunder.. The black clouds that were spreading across the sky were , in fact, fruit bats that had been disturbed .. They were moving on.. They turned our day into night..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Strange how we're all so different. Me, I love a good storm usually stand at the back door and watch it. A few years ago Dageus and I were on the beach for our walk and it blew in very suddenly, we hurried back to the car before the rain started to come down, I sat in the car watching, mesmerised, first time I'd seen lightning out on the water, it was awesome to watch.


Quote from: Raven on September 23, 2024, 03:21:22 PMStrange how we're all so different. Me, I love a good storm usually stand at the back door and watch it. A few years ago Dageus and I were on the beach for our walk and it blew in very suddenly, we hurried back to the car before the rain started to come down, I sat in the car watching, mesmerised, first time I'd seen lightning out on the water, it was awesome to watch.

I believe we are supposed to be relatively safe in a car because of the rubber tyres? 


Our car was hit by lightning and it shifted it sideways.. just slightly..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Scrumpy on September 23, 2024, 05:40:44 PMOur car was hit by lightning and it shifted it sideways.. just slightly..
Blimey,  that must have been scary Scumpy.

We had storms on Saturday and again on Sunday,  and it's pouring with rain again still now.   Feels like it's getting colder too.

I suppose we should expect it now it's autumn,  We'll probably yet the yobs chucking fireworks about in another couple of weeks too! 


Not scary.. just a shock.. :grin:
Still fairly warm here.. no heating on yet..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Mups on September 23, 2024, 05:45:01 PMBlimey,  that must have been scary Scumpy.

We had storms on Saturday and again on Sunday,  and it's pouring with rain again still now.  Feels like it's getting colder too.

I suppose we should expect it now it's autumn,  We'll probably yet the yobs chucking fireworks about in another couple of weeks too! 

Can't remember who told me recently, but apparently some fireworks are set off so that local yoofs are aware of where the drug dealer is currently selling his gear.


That sounds a bit pre 5G phones to me..