
Started by Michael Rolls, September 04, 2024, 11:39:50 AM

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Michael Rolls

The Grenfell Tower fire that killed 72 people in 2017 was the result of a chain of failures by governments, "dishonest" companies and a lack of strategy by the fire service, the final report of the six-year public inquiry has concluded.

The damning report sets out a "path to disaster" at Grenfell stretching back to the early 1990s over how fire safety in high rise buildings has been managed and regulated.

The coalition and Conservative governments "ignored, delayed or disregarded" concerns about the safety of industry practices, the inquiry said.

One manufacturer of cladding products "deliberately concealed" the fire risks they posed, the report added.
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Standby for the standard response from all of those involved and contributed to this disaster...

"Lessons have be learned"
"I am in awe of myself. I never know what I will write next."


Quick question about the finger being pointed at Conservative and coalition governments...does that mean that Labour is free of sin?


Probably. The crap cladding probably wasn't around when they were last in power.


The report states the 1990's.  Labour have been in power in that time frame.


In that case they should probably get some blame but Starmer will put anybody that suggests that in jail.


Why didn't they knock it down straight away, give the survivors their compensation and build a memorial garden  ?


Many people have died because of Asbestos poisoning..
This goes back many, many years.. Compensation to all is still going on..
Our soldiers who were on Christmas Island in the Pacific witnessed nuclear bombs being tested nearby.. 
Many of our schools.. and other buildings contained ,and still do ,asbestos.. 

The government haven't moved very quickly in paying out compensation.. 
If I am wrong.. I apologies ..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Scrumpy on September 05, 2024, 09:04:47 AMMany people have died because of Asbestos poisoning..
This goes back many, many years.. Compensation to all is still going on..
Our soldiers who were on Christmas Island in the Pacific witnessed nuclear bombs being tested nearby..
Many of our schools.. and other buildings contained ,and still do ,asbestos..

The government haven't moved very quickly in paying out compensation..
If I am wrong.. I apologies ..
I have two friends who lost their husbands due to Asbestos poisoning,   one only a few weeks ago.