Aug 29th - The beheading of John the Baptist

Started by Silver Tabby, August 29, 2024, 03:34:29 PM

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Silver Tabby

On this day in AD 1-300, Herod beheaded John the Baptish at the instigation of Salome, a dancing girl. Don't let the fact that the calendar has been changed a few times since then spoil a good story.
"All mixed, effeminate, lascivious, amorous dancing isutterly unlawful to Christians, so chaste and sober persons. For Herod with but seeing Salome dance was so inflamed by her love, that he promised to give her whatsoever she desired ... what would he have promised had he danced with her? And I have heard many impudently say they have chosen their wives, and wives their husbands, by dancing. Which plainly proveth the wickedness of it."
Stubbes - The Anatomy of Abuses 1573

"We must beware that we do not sing, especially alone, if we have an untunable voice, which is a common fault with most men. And yet that is of nature least apt unto it, doth use it most often."
Peterson - A Treatise of Manners and Behaviours 1576


Quote from: Silver Tabby on August 29, 2024, 03:34:29 PM"We must beware that we do not sing, especially alone, if we have an untunable voice, which is a common fault with most men. And yet that is of nature least apt unto it, doth use it most often."
Peterson - A Treatise of Manners and Behaviours 1576
I remember being in church one Christmas.. Everyone was in good spirits and singing at the top of their voices..
I joined in.. A bloke in front of me turned around to see where the , out of tune voice, was coming from.. It was coming from my mouth.. !!  :embarrassed:
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..




Only those with cloth ears could tolerate anything else.