Shop Lifters

Started by Mups, August 28, 2024, 05:13:50 PM

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Lovely photos Raven  :upvote:   I can only think perhaps the word 'wee' or Budweiser - are they against alcohol advertising  ?


Quote from: Alex on August 30, 2024, 02:44:12 PMLovely photos Raven  :upvote:  I can only think perhaps the word 'wee' or Budweiser - are they against alcohol advertising  ?
Unless they think that Raven's saying Budweiser is like piss. 
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


I and most other Scots use the word "wee" umpteen times a day, nothing to do with urine, just our word for small, tiny, undersized ect ect.
I seldom post anything political as I can't be bothered with it, but sometimes something comes up in my feed that makes me howl with laughter and I share it, that can be about some political party. Regan (daughter) says they are testing some AI equipment and have been for a few months, once it picks up something the account is on their blooming radar. :yell: They must be watching everything I do  :angry:  Well screw them I'll delete the account for a while.


Quote from: Raven on August 30, 2024, 03:05:34 PMI and most other Scots use the word "wee" umpteen times a day, nothing to do with urine, just our word for small, tiny, undersized ect ect.

We all know what 'wee' means, but the idiots in California may not.


Time they learned then.  :boo:


I had a Facebook account removed a few years ago.

Mind you, it was in the name of a US company CEO & I did use his photo so I suppose that was fair enough.  :grin:
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


I love these pictures .

Maybe it's something to do with advertising ?

I would definitely shop lift one of these babies !


I asked ChatGPT to analyse your post Raven.  It said....

This passage provides insight into a range of emotions and attitudes, reflecting a mixture of cultural expression, frustration, and skepticism towards technology and surveillance.

1. **Cultural Identity and Language:** The mention of the word "wee" highlights the speaker's Scottish identity. They take pride in the frequent use of a distinctly Scottish term, "wee," which simply means small or tiny. The speaker clarifies that it has no relation to urine, implying they may have encountered misunderstandings about its meaning from non-Scots. This detail underscores the uniqueness and pride in their cultural language.

2. **Apathy Towards Politics:** The speaker expresses a general disinterest in politics, noting that they "seldom post anything political" because they "can't be bothered with it." However, they admit to occasionally sharing political content if it amuses them, especially if it makes them "howl with laughter." This suggests a selective engagement with political content, motivated more by humor than by any deep political convictions.

3. **Skepticism and Surveillance Concerns:** The speaker relays information from their daughter, Regan, about AI technology being used to monitor online activity. The use of the term "blooming radar" conveys frustration, suggesting that the speaker feels their online behavior is being unnecessarily scrutinized. The idea that they are "watching everything I do" reflects a fear of constant surveillance, which fuels their anger and leads to a sense of invasion of privacy.

4. **Emotional Response and Defiance:** The speaker's emotional reaction is strong, indicated by the use of emojis like :yell: and :angry:, which emphasize their anger and frustration. The final statement, "Well screw them I'll delete the account for a while," conveys a sense of defiance. The speaker seems to believe that by deleting their account, they can regain some control and resist the perceived intrusion.

Overall, this passage combines cultural pride, a casual approach to politics, and significant concerns about privacy and surveillance, culminating in a defiant stance against perceived overreach by technology and those who control it.


WOW, What can I say? That is spot on Dex.  :busted:


Raven, I also asked it to look at the picture you posted and asked if it was offensive😉. It replied....

"No, this picture does not appear to be offensive. It shows four young Clydesdale horses, described as "wee beauties," with additional images of the foals. The phrase "wee beauties" is an affectionate term, commonly used in Scottish English, to describe something small and adorable. The image is shared in a positive and lighthearted context, focusing on the birth of the Budweiser Clydesdale foals, which is generally seen as a heartwarming and joyful event.

The post and image celebrate the birth of the foals and do not contain any content that could be construed as offensive."


Exactly, as soon as I saw it I just melted and knew I had to share it. :heart:  I wish now I'd kept the notice they sent me so you could see it, I'll see if I can find a previous one later on, but I don't know how far back they store them.
It seems though that several of my friends are also having posts removed and are none too happy about it. So I guess other people are having the same problem. Blooming AI.


I wonder what they'd do if you posted chatGPT's analysis of the deleted picture?  AI versus AI😉😬😬


Regarding shoplifting,  I have just seen  figures that indicate for the last 12 months,  up until June this year,  there were 444 cases of shoplifting in my small town.

Makes you wonder what the large towns must go through.


Quote from: Mups on August 31, 2024, 12:23:46 PMRegarding shoplifting,  I have just seen  figures that indicate for the last 12 months,  up until June this year,  there were 444 cases of shoplifting in my small town.

That tells me that you've been out shopping at least 444 times over the last year Mups 😬😬😬


I did notice today at the local shop many bottles of wine had security caps on them....
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..