
Started by klondike, August 01, 2024, 05:18:11 PM

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I've been meaning to have a play with the AI bot chatgpt for a while but never got around to it. Then I watched a YouTube video giving an overview and I'm impressed with the sort of things it will do.

The chatgpt URL is and I just registered using my Gmail account 

The first topic was summarising and I asked it to summarise this forum URL and a thread I started. I was impressed with the results. Could save a lot of reading of news stories maybe.

Please summarise

LetsChat is a forum designed primarily for pensioners to engage in discussions and share interests. The platform features various sections including general discussion, hobbies, politics, jokes, and a chat room for light-hearted conversations. It encourages new members to introduce themselves and participate in the community. The site also provides statistics on posts and members, and offers a user-friendly interface for navigating different topics.

For more details, visit LetsChat.

Please summarise

The forum thread titled "Runners and riders for the Decline Party" on LetsChat discusses the UK's Conservative Party leadership contest following a significant electoral defeat. Participants criticize the party's direction, express skepticism about its future, and debate potential leadership candidates. The conversation reflects dissatisfaction with recent leaders and concern over the party's identity crisis and policy positions. There's also discussion about the possibility of members shifting to the Reform Party.

For more details, visit the full discussion.

I've thought of another

Please summarise

The forum thread "The Jockeys Nostril" on LetsChat features a humorous, fictional story about an abandoned pub. The narrative describes the decrepit state of the pub, its colorful history, and the oddities discovered inside. The story includes whimsical elements like a "pickled egg of destiny" and various characters expressing interest in revitalizing the establishment. It is a playful and creative piece, blending satire and imagination.

For more details, you can visit the full thread here.

Frightening stuff.


That is so interesting.. I might even become a member..!!!
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Can it do a summary of specific members?  That'd be interesting😬


Ask it. It has has no login and some things require a login but I think most of the site is public.

I'll rewatch the video later and see if any of the other stuff mentioned looks interesting. I was impressed that it could make any sense at all of the Jockey's Nostril  :grin:

August 01, 2024, 09:23:59 PM
I asked...

what do you make of poster dextrous63 in thread

It didn't follow multiple pages so I had to point to the first page where dex posted. It may be possible to get it to follow more pages and I'll see if I can.

Anyway the reply...

In the thread "Multiple Stabbings in Southport," poster "dextrous63" exhibits strong opinions and a provocative style. They make sarcastic comments about cultural stereotypes and criticize how certain groups might be treated differently by the law. The remarks reflect frustration with societal and legal issues, often using sharp and critical language. Their contributions seem to elicit mixed reactions from other forum members, with some engaging in further debate while others offer differing perspectives.
For more details, you can view the thread here.

Couldn't get it to follow the entire thread so  I asked

what do you make of this response from dextrous63

In the thread "The Grim Reaper" on LetsChat, dextrous63's response is marked by humor and sarcasm. They joke about frequently discussing morbid topics like funerals and crematoria with strangers, obviously exaggerating to make a point. The interaction continues with light-hearted banter among forum members, including playful teasing about age and intelligence. Overall, dextrous63's tone is tongue-in-cheek and aims to provoke a humorous reaction from the community.

You can view the thread here.


Crikey, it's like having your very own shrink giving you a character appraisal.

Clever stuff.


I'm impressed for sure. This stuff is coming on in leaps and bounds. How long before The Terminator is closer to a documentary than fiction?


Although the systems might not pass the Turin test, they're doing a darned good impression of doing so at times.


I'm thinking of making chatgpt a member and posting its responses in some threads. I do hope it doesn't do a flounce if anybody criticises it  :grin:

August 01, 2024, 11:36:34 PM
What do you make of this thread

Searched 1 site

In the "ChatGPT" thread on LetsChat, user "klondike" discusses trying out ChatGPT and being impressed with its abilities, including summarizing forum threads. The thread contains several interactions, including "dextrous63" expressing amazement at ChatGPT's capabilities and suggesting it could provide character appraisals. The conversation is light-hearted and highlights the curiosity and fascination of the forum members with AI technology.

how about you being a member and discussing our threads?

As an AI, I can assist with summarizing and analyzing forum threads but can't participate directly in discussions. I can help you understand or discuss topics from your forum here. If you share the content or context of a thread, I can provide insights, summaries, or answer questions about it. This way, I can support your forum discussions indirectly.

August 01, 2024, 11:42:06 PM
Quote from: dextrous63 on August 01, 2024, 11:29:33 PMAlthough the systems might not pass the Turin test
It actively doesn't try to though. Looks at where it states "as an AI". Could it be mistaken for a human if instructed to conceal its true nature? Maybe. At least for a while. The paid version can produce fake photos but I'm not sure this free version can. If I haven't run out of interactions and need to wait I'll give it a test.

August 01, 2024, 11:43:59 PM
produce a picture of how you imagine dextrous63
Creating an image of how I imagine "dextrous63" would be purely speculative, but I can give a brief description based on their forum interactions:

Imaginary Portrait of dextrous63:

Appearance: Middle-aged or older, with a thoughtful and perhaps slightly stern expression, reflecting the seriousness of their opinions.
Attire: Casual but neat, perhaps a sweater or a button-up shirt, fitting someone who actively participates in social and political discussions.
Environment: Sitting at a desk with a computer, surrounded by books or newspapers, indicating their interest in staying informed and engaging in debates.
This is just a hypothetical description based on their online persona. For a more accurate portrayal, personal details would be necessary.

August 01, 2024, 11:47:16 PM
Here's an imaginary description of "klondike" based on their forum activity:

Imaginary Portrait of klondike:

Appearance: Likely an older individual, friendly and approachable, with a warm smile suggesting a sense of curiosity and openness.
Attire: Comfortable, casual clothing, perhaps a cozy sweater or casual shirt, reflecting a relaxed and engaged demeanor.
Environment: Seated in a cozy home office or living room, with a computer or tablet, surrounded by personal items like books, photos, or hobbies indicating a well-rounded, curious personality.

Oh deary deary me - I do hope nobody mentions the spelling error or do septics spell it cozy?



Searched 1 site

In the LetsChat thread about ChatGPT, users discuss their experiences and impressions of the AI. "klondike" initiated the discussion by praising ChatGPT's ability to summarize forum threads, and "dextrous63" expressed curiosity about character appraisals done by the AI. The conversation is light-hearted, with members showing interest and amusement in AI's capabilities. Overall, the thread reflects the community's curiosity and engagement with new technology.

You've hit the Free plan limit for GPT-4o.
You need GPT-4o to continue this chat because it uses tools. Your limit resets tomorrow after 2:38 AM.

Is that a flounce?


Who needs other members eh?  Chatgpt could end up navel gazing for  England and take over.

Hasta la vista, baby.😬😬😉

BTW- not an entirely accurate description of yours truly.  It forgot to mention excessive use of mascara, lipstick and my swearing of fishnet stockings.

I also suspect that you edited its description of you Klondy, deleting the bit about excessive unkempt hair growth😬😬😬😬

But, by jimminy, it's damned good fun seeing what it comes up with. 


Fascinating.  Nearly as fascinating as Dex's makeup fetish...😉
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Quote from: GrannyMac on August 02, 2024, 06:10:51 AMFascinating.  Nearly as fascinating as Dex's makeup fetish...😉
Well, I've got to keep Klondy on his toes, especially when I'm wearing my stilettos😬😬😬

These are my favourites, since not only do they help support my varicose veins, but they help aerate the lawn when I do my gardening.



How clever.. Really interesting.. 

August 02, 2024, 10:07:18 AM

I'll have to watch what I say in future.. Or it could have me down as an idiot..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Scrumpy on August 02, 2024, 10:04:34 AMHow clever.. Really interesting..

August 02, 2024, 10:07:18 AM

I'll have to watch what I say in future.. Or it could have me down as an idiot..
But how could that be?😬😬😬


I pointed chatgpt to three threads started by Brian then asked

Would you be inclined to take posts by brian54 at face value

ChatGPT replied...

Based on brian54's posts and interactions on the Pensioners Forum, he seems to enjoy sharing anecdotes and engaging with other members through light-hearted and humorous comments. While some of his stories might seem exaggerated or playful, they generally appear to be taken in good humor by other forum members. Given this context, it might be best to approach his posts with a mix of skepticism and an understanding that they could be intended for entertainment or stimulating discussion.

I reckon ChatGPT may be a bit quicker on the uptake that some PF posters