The Grim Reaper

Started by Scrumpy, August 01, 2024, 03:41:17 PM

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Apparently the new trend going around  involves visiting your local cemetery and walking amongst the graves and headstones and another mourner/ visitor says, 'Hello' you respond with, 'oh gawd, you can see me?' .....
I might give that a whirl but I will make sure that whoever I respond to looks quite fit and not liable to heart failure
"I am in awe of myself. I never know what I will write next."


Quote from: Vlad on August 04, 2024, 05:53:38 PMApparently the new trend going around  involves visiting your local cemetery and walking amongst the graves and headstones and another mourner/ visitor says, 'Hello' you respond with, 'oh gawd, you can see me?' .....
I might give that a whirl but I will make sure that whoever I respond to looks quite fit and not liable to failure



Quote from: Vlad on August 04, 2024, 05:53:38 PMApparently the new trend going around  involves visiting your local cemetery and walking amongst the graves and headstones and another mourner/ visitor says, 'Hello' you respond with, 'oh gawd, you can see me?' .....
I might give that a whirl but I will make sure that whoever I respond to looks quite fit and not liable to failure

Now that I must try!
Numquam credere Gallicum


Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Anybody had any ghostly experiences?

When I was at school some friends claimed they had seen one while walking along what at the time was a country lane but is now a speed restricted bit of dual carriageway.

After one of our dogs died we several times thought we heard her in the kitchen.

Do I believe ghosts exist. No. I do believe that the senses can be fooled and people have good imaginations though.


I don't believe in ghosts.. I don't think I do..
I don't like the dark.. because there might be something there..

Just after Sam died.. I was sleeping and awoke because something climbed into my bed and snuggled up to me.. I could definitely smell Sam's aftershave.. 
I was not in the least bit frightened...
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I watch a lot of supernatural films and scare the fudge out of myself.  I must believe in ghosts I suppose as I do remember before I bought this house, I brought my friend's dog to have a sniff around  :cool:


Be careful with that.

When we first moved in here just after all the modernisation work was completed my daugher came round with her dog. He sniffed around everywhere. I got a call from upstairs that Billy had left a present in the front bedroom. I suspected a joke. As I went upstairs  and my head cleared the landing I knew it was no joke. A poop bag would have been useless. Billy was a big old dog. I used a bin bag and two lumps of corrugated cardboard. It was still whiffy quite a bit later despite disinfectant and a good spraying.


Quote from: klondike on August 05, 2024, 01:36:03 PMBe careful with that.

When we first moved in here just after all the modernisation work was completed my daugher came round with her dog. He sniffed around everywhere. I got a call from upstairs that Billy had left a present in the front bedroom. I suspected a joke. As I went upstairs  and my head cleared the landing I knew it was no joke. A poop bag would have been useless. Billy was a big old dog. I used a bin bag and two lumps of corrugated cardboard. It was still whiffy quite a bit later despite disinfectant and a good spraying.

Quote from: klondike on August 05, 2024, 10:47:53 AMAnybody had any ghostly experiences?

When I was at school some friends claimed they had seen one while walking along what at the time was a country lane but is now a speed restricted bit of dual carriageway.

After one of our dogs died we several times thought we heard her in the kitchen.

Do I believe ghosts exist. No. I do believe that the senses can be fooled and people have good imaginations though.
Quote from: klondike on August 05, 2024, 10:47:53 AMAnybody had any ghostly experiences?

When I was at school some friends claimed they had seen one while walking along what at the time was a country lane but is now a speed restricted bit of dual carriageway.

After one of our dogs died we several times thought we heard her in the kitchen.

Do I believe ghosts exist. No
. I do believe that the senses can be fooled and people have good imaginations though.

Think me bonkers if you will, Klondike,  but I find that sad.

If she made the effort to come back to reassure you and comfort you, albeit briefly,  I wonder how they feel when they are ignored?

And before you have me certified :wink: ,  over the years I have definitely seen my much loved German Shepherd  (the boy in my avatar),   plus  my Dad standing in Mum's kitchen,  and my friend's little Jack Russel standing in front of her.     
Honest.  I'm not having you on. 

Sorry,  I didn't mean to quote all three of your posts,  just the last one about your dog.


Like Alex, I watch a lot of supernatural films although I don't believe in ghosts.
However, I had a strange experience yesterday evening.

We have two cats: Pumpkin, a sleek and fast one; and Peanut, a dumpy slow one.
I often put down some food for Pumpkin when Peanut isn't around, as she is the greedy one and would think nothing of muscling in and grabbing Pumpkin's food before she gets the chance to eat it!

On this occasion, I had put down some food for Pumpkin, who looked hungry and immediately saw Peanut out of the corner of my eye, coming around through a doorway to the adjacent room, as she often does.  She has amazing hearing and can hear me putting food down even two rooms away.
When I looked again, she wasn't there and Pumpkin was happily eating.

I was a little put out and wondered where she had gone to, so looked around the room and then the room next door only to find her in the furthest room, a bedroom, quietly sitting on a chair seemingly just waking up from sleep.  The only logical explanation I could think of was that her appearance was just my imagination, as she has done exactly that many times.

Or perhaps not?

Incidentally, I am in the process of writing, or more correctly, trying to complete a ghost story of my own, after the famous author Montague Rhodes James: 'the Weingarten Vox Humana'.
Numquam credere Gallicum

Michael Rolls

every now and then - but always half asleep - I hear, even catch out of the corner of my eye, Veronica or Fleur
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


My daughter was house hunting and went to view a pretty little cottage.. She was very excited , it was a house that she had admired for years..
The owner opened the front door and invited my daughter inside.. No sooner as she entered the hallway she felt a presence .. something was warning my daughter off and she instantly knew that there was an unwelcome spirit in that home..
She did not view the house..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Scrumpy on August 05, 2024, 06:35:21 PMMy daughter was house hunting and went to view a pretty little cottage.. She was very excited , it was a house that she had admired for years..
The owner opened the front door and invited my daughter inside.. No sooner as she entered the hallway she felt a presence .. something was warning my daughter off and she instantly knew that there was an unwelcome spirit in that home..
She did not view the house..

I had that happen once too, Scrumpy. 
I had to go down a flight of stairs to the kitchen, and the further down the stairs I got, the more creepy I felt.
I really didn't want to go down there.

I didn't buy the house either.

Hope your daughter found somewhere nice in the end.


Yes , she did thank you Mups..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..