Vaccination site possible oddity

Started by Michael Rolls, July 19, 2024, 05:22:41 AM

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Michael Rolls

I have a bit of a problem with my left shoulder. Nothing major, just enough to cause the occasional 'ouch' if I extend it too far. Massage helps for a few days, then it returns until the next massage session (one a week). When working on it, Tracey, my masseuse, asked in which arm I have the COVID vaccination and I told her the left one. Apparently, a number of her clients have a similar shoulder problem and in each case it is the arm in which they have had the vaccination. Cause and effect? Anyone here have a similar experience? I had thought to put the theory to the test by next time having the shot in the right arm – then common sense kicked in. If it is cause and effect, it would be pretty stupid to have problems with both shoulders!
I had my booster at the end of May and the shoulder problem appeared afterwards – not straight away and from memory can't remember how long afterwards.
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Who knows how these jabs affect us Mike!  Although I've had some painful swelling after a couple of covid vaccinations, nothing lasted more than a few days.   Hopefully the massages will help 🤞🏼 
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


I get very sore at the top of my arm at times but it's not covid jags. Dr told me it it was "repetitive strain injury" or (RSI) I was getting it from two things, 1, using the lunger to throw Dageus's ball for too long. And 2, the way I was sitting at the computer, I tend to rest my elbows on the desk and they took the weight of my body in the upper arm. I had to stop both for several days at a time to let the muscles heal. One of the reasons I vanish from the internet at times......but only one.


Interesting, Mike,  and I don't doubt it at all.

I had so many odd and unpleasant things happen to me after the Covid jab that it has been put on my medical records now, and I won't be having any more.
Within 24 hrs of having that first one I was carted off in an ambulance!

My friend's husband gets that same upper arm ache as you said about, too. 

Hope you feel better soon.


The problem I find as I get older is every morning something different hurts. I only get concerned if whatever it is hurts a lot or lasts a few days. In the main the ache just vanishes of its own accord and something else takes over.

I never had any reaction to the covid jabs but still stopped after three as I still caught it. In my case it was no worse than a cold. My reasoning was...

They didn't stop me getting it
As I had to isolate they presumably didn't stop me passing it on
I have no proof that they in any way reduced the symptoms. Especially as I caught it again well after my last jab and the symptoms were pretty much the same as the first time.
Add to that the known harms it does to some ranging right up to killing them and to my mind the risks are real and the benefits illusiory. Except to the companies selling them of course.


That's how I feel too, Klondike.  I have always said mega-bucks have been made from all this.

They say new Flu variants come every year, and they modify the vaccine each winter.  They don't keep bringing out new ones every few weeks like the Covid ones, do they.   And people still can't wait to go and queue up for yet another jab.

What can so many man-made 'bugs'  injected into us be doing to our natural immune systems?   
Perhaps one day they won't even be able to work unaided without medical intervention in the future?

We all know the old saying  -  "No one pill fits all,"   -  so how can one vaccine then? :hmm:

I believe some people it may help,  but to others it can be harmful.

Don't know if anyone is interested in this,  but here's the link if you want to listen.

Michael Rolls

I can't be sure that the jab caused the shoulder problem, after all, it only appeared after my -what fifth jab, sixth?. To be honest I had a bad fall shortly - a few days - after the spring booster which shook m up a lot, and the more I think about, the more I think that the fall might be the cause - but that doesn't explain Tracey's clients who have the shoulder problem - as Yul Brynner said in 'The King and I' 'Is puzzlement'
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Perhaps the masseuse should ask clients whether they are right or left-handed?  People often have vaccines in the opposite arm.


Do you use a stick or a walker for balance Mike?  Falling, especially when you live alone, myst be worrying for you. Do you have any sort of alarm to notify any services if you fall, or you are unwell?   Those can be lifesavers!  
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


It can be worrying, living alone, when feeling unwell or unsteady on your feet..
 My family live nearby and I have local friends on hand..
But I also have a panic alarm button.. I have had it for many years.. Not because of any mobility problems or ongoing illnesses  , simply because I live alone..
I wouldn't be without it now...
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..

Michael Rolls

Quote from: GrannyMac on July 27, 2024, 07:11:00 AMDo you use a stick or a walker for balance Mike?  Falling, especially when you live alone, myst be worrying for you. Do you have any sort of alarm to notify any services if you fall, or you are unwell?   Those can be lifesavers! 
I have - and use - a walker. Also have a community alarm bracelet. Before this current problem I normally just used a stick (two sticks when visiting Veronica's grave as the cemetery is pretty uneven under foot)
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]