Things that pee you off..

Started by Scrumpy, June 18, 2024, 01:14:32 PM

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Quote from: Scrumpy on July 10, 2024, 08:47:13 AMShoes that fit perfectly in the shop but hurt your feet at home..
Anything but Skechers nowadays!  🙄

Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Follow on from Alexa. 

I don't "do" football but did hear last night that England were playing. By some miracle I remembered this morning and thought I'd ask Alexa how they did

Alexa How did England do in the Euros semi final
Longish pause
England have got through to the semi finals and will play Holland

Sigh Alexa What was the result of England against Holland in the Euro semi final
Longer pause
Sorry I have no information on that.

Picked up phone and asked google instead

Well done England.

Alexa useless as usual. 


Follow on from football.

I am not interested in football.  I never watch it.  I am not in the least bit interested in it.
Lots of men running around a field kicking a ball to each other.  I don't understand it.
What is the point of it and how does it induce thousands of men (usually) to shout, scream, issue expletives, and piss themselves with excitement?
I'd rather sit and watch paint dry.
Numquam credere Gallicum


Tesco shifting things around......AGAIN. Ended up going to the Co-op for what I couldn't find.
They have a suggestion box in our Tesco store, so they got a suggestion from myself. :angry:


Was it physically possible?  :grin:


Quote from: JBR on July 11, 2024, 10:41:45 AMFollow on from football.

I am not interested in football.  I never watch it.  I am not in the least bit interested in it.
Lots of men running around a field kicking a ball to each other.  I don't understand it.
What is the point of it and how does it induce thousands of men (usually) to shout, scream, issue expletives, and piss themselves with excitement?
I'd rather sit and watch paint dry.

I do not understand this attitude, I thought you were an Englishman ?


I don't watch football.. 
BUT.. I was pleased to hear on the news this morning that they won the game they played last night.. 
The man down the road has the English flag flying in his garden.. He must have been 'Over the moon'..
Good luck to them..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Two texts. Contact surgery to book a telephone appointment.

Phone. The half hour long message (well maybe not it it seems like it) along with press 1 for this 2 for that directed me to Emema or Anima or some such which I did set up ages back but it seemed useless. The message suggested I'd be able to book myself in. I couldn't. I couldn't even leave a request. Still useless then.

Phone again and somehow after an age find I'm 9th in a queue. There was something about pressing 0. Eventually (a very long eventually) I was told I'm 6th in the queue and pressed 0 to see what it did. It told me I'd be called back and hung up. I wasn't. Sometime later I still wasn't. Part of my attempts to shed some weight involve walking. I decided to walk to the surgery. About ¾ mile so there and back the long way may qualify me for half a chocolate biscuit.

I set off for the surgery. Couple in front but in less than 5 minutes I'm booked in. I explain I was supposed to get a callback but didn't and the receptionist said she wasn't even sure that worked. I set out on the long way home. On the way home I get the callback. Hey Ho. At least I've earned half a chocolate biscuit.


Never press O.. It is an unlucky number.. It means nothing..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..



Quote from: Alex on July 11, 2024, 11:15:14 AMI do not understand this attitude, I thought you were an Englishman ?
I'm very happy to watch cricket, especially when Yorkshire is playing.
Now that is an English game which requires skill and intelligence.
No kicking each other, spitting and swearing in cricket.
Far more civilised.
Numquam credere Gallicum



Quote from: JBR on July 11, 2024, 06:16:57 PMI'm very happy to watch cricket, especially when Yorkshire is playing.
Now that is an English game which requires skill and intelligence.
No kicking each other, spitting and swearing in cricket.
Far more civilised.

Now I hate cricket, the most boring game I've ever sat through BUT I still like to see England win, whoever they're playing..


Good luck England for Sunday..

My neighbour is Spanish.. she has family over from Spain.. They will watch the match..  Good luck to them too.. poor sods..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


The Spanish are a formidable team .
It will be an interesting match .